Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO is a brief online, personalized feedback intervention designed to motivate college students to reduce cannabis (marijuana) use by correcting misperceived social norms and providing education on cannabis use. After completing a web-based assessment on demographic measures, cannabis consumption, cannabis consequences and perceived social norms, participants receive standard personalized feedback on their cannabis use and information on their perceptions of cannabis use norms versus actual use prevalence at their university and nationally. The goal of this feedback is to highlight the discrepancies between student perceptions and actual prevalence among peers to increase cognitive dissonance related to their own use. Additionally, participants receive a list of protective behavioral strategies and are asked to consider using these change strategies to help reduce their cannabis use. Finally, they receive suggestions on what they could purchase (i.e., cell phone bills, streaming services) if they save the money they would spend on cannabis.
Blueprints has certified one study evaluating Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO.
Riggs et al. (2018) conducted a randomized control trial of college students at a large public university in a western state. Undergraduate students screened for heavy cannabis use were eligible for the study and assigned to the intervention condition (n=146) or healthy stress management control condition (n=155). At six weeks post-intervention, compared to control participants, students in the intervention group showed significantly greater reductions in the number of hours high per week, days high per week, weeks high per month, and periods high per week.
To date, the Washington State Institute for Public Policy has not conducted a cost-benefit analysis of implementing Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO.
Riggs, N. R., Conner, B. T., Parnes, J. E., Prince, M. A., Shillington, A. M., & George, M. W. (2018). Marijuana eCHECKUPTO GO: Effects of a personalized feedback plus protective behavioral strategies intervention for heavy marijuana-using college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 190, 13-19.
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