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Cooperative Learning
Program Description: Cooperative Learning (CL) is a framework within which teachers can apply the principle of positive interdependence to design their own group-based activities using existing curricula and learning materials. CL uses reciprocal teaching, peer tutoring, jigsaw, and other group-based activities where peers work together to maximize one another’s learning. The CL approach ensures the… Read More
Nurse-Family Partnership
Program Description: Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a home visitation program that provides first-time, primarily low-income mothers with guidance and support in developing effective childrearing practices with the goal of improving long-term outcomes for mother and child. Beginning as early as possible during pregnancy, NFP nurses initiate home visitations with pregnant women who are predisposed to… Read More
Wyman’s Teen Connection Project
Program Description: Wyman’s Teen Connection Project is an experience-based group intervention designed to positively change social connections among high school aged youth. Delivered in school- and community-based settings, the 12-week program aims to gradually improve ongoing peer relationships and ultimately enhance academic engagement and psychosocial functioning. The program includes twelve 45-60-minute lessons facilitated weekly by… Read More
Project Towards No Drug Abuse
Program Description: Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) is a classroom-based substance abuse prevention program for high school students who are at risk for drug use and violence-related behaviors. The curriculum involves twelve 40-50-minute sessions designed to be taught by teachers or health educators over a four-week period. Sessions provide instruction in motivation activities to… Read More
Strong African American Families Program
Program Description: The Strong African American Families (SAAF) Program is a seven-session intervention designed for youth aged 10-14 and their caregivers. The goal of the program is to build the strengths of African American families and support parents and youth during the critical transition from early adolescence to the teen years with emphasis on helping young… Read More
Familias Unidas
Program Description: Familias Unidas™ is a multilevel family-based intervention for Latino or Hispanic families residing in the United States in an emerging immigration context that is designed to prevent substance use and sexual risk behavior in adolescents. Acculturation is a multidimensional construct that includes factors such as language use and proficiency, nativity, cultural behavioral preferences,… Read More
SNAP (Stop Now And Plan) Boys
Program Description: SNAP® Boys is a 13-week, multi-component treatment program for boys aged 6-11 years who have had police contact as a result of delinquency or who are at risk of police contact. SNAP® Boys is based on a cognitive behavioral model and focuses on the development and treatment of aggression and antisocial behavior and… Read More
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
Program Description: Multisystemic Therapy® (MST®) is an intensive family- and community-based treatment that addresses the multiple causes of serious antisocial behavior across key settings, or systems within which youth are embedded (family, peers, school, and neighborhood). Because MST emphasizes promoting behavior change in the youth’s natural environment, the program aims to empower parents with… Read More
Blues Program
Program Description: The Blues Program actively engages high school students exhibiting depressive symptoms or who are at risk of onset of major depression in six weekly, one-hour group (4-8 participants) sessions and home practice assignments. Sessions focus on building group rapport, increasing participant involvement in pleasant activities, learning and practicing cognitive restructuring techniques, and developing… Read More
Program Description: The RealTeen internet-based program is designed to improve adolescent girls’ general personal and social skills and skills specific to drug use. The program operates through a secure website, which offers a homepage with a variety of content, including feeds from the latest entertainment sites, online polls, horoscopes, beauty tips, and a quote of… Read More