Recently Acquired Programs
Eisenhower Quantum Opportunities Program
A youth development program providing education, service, and development activities to improve academic skills and increase high school completion and post-secondary attainment of high-risk youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged families and impoverished neighborhoods.
Reading Recovery
A one-to-one tutoring intervention to reduce the number of first-grade students who have extreme difficulty learning to read and write and to reduce the cost of these learners to educational systems.
Child First
A two-generation home visitation program which works to heal and protect young children and their families from the devastating effects of chronic stress and trauma.
KiVa Antibullying Program
An antibullying program for grades 2-6, primarily implemented in Europe, which includes universal actions (20 hours of student lessons) to prevent the occurrence of bullying and indicated actions to intervene in individual bullying cases.
Head Start REDI
An enrichment intervention integrated into the existing framework of Head Start programs using the High/Scope or Creative Curriculum.
Teaching Kids to Cope
A 10-session group intervention designed to reduce depression and stress by enhancing the coping skills among high school adolescents.
Family Check-Up – Toddler
The toddler version of the Family Check-Up (FCU) aims to prevent conduct problems among at-risk toddlers by improving the quality of parenting and increasing and maintaining parents’ use of Positive Behavior Support.
Body Project
A four-session group intervention to prevent the onset of eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating among female high school and college students with body image concerns.
Career Academies
Provides small learning communities within high schools, combining academic and technical career curricula, and offering workplace opportunities through partnership with local employers to enhance school engagement and performance and provide students with the credentials and skills needed to make successful transitions to post-secondary education and, eventually, a career.
Blues Program
A six-week group intervention focused on reducing negative cognitions and increasing engagement in pleasant activities in an effort to prevent the onset and persistence of depression in at-risk high school youth with depressive symptoms.