Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
Expedited Medicaid |
Insufficient Evidence | A Medicaid program targeted at offenders with severe mental illness to decrease recidivism. |
Explore Your Horizons |
Inconclusive Evidence | A career education program designed for high school students that provides guidance, information, and encouragement to help both students and parents develop and realize post-secondary education goals. |
Expressive Writing Intervention (for depression and coping skills) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based intervention that aims to decrease the negative outcomes associated with peer-victimization (e.g, bullying, peer rejection) in adolescents through expressive writing. |
Expressive Writing Intervention (for physical aggression) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based intervention designed to increase emotional regulation and reduce aggressive behavior of at-risk youth through expressive writing. |
Extended Reading Intervention for High Schoolers |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program that aims to improve reading skills and class performance among high school students with reading problems. |
Extended-Service Schools Initiative |
Insufficient Evidence | An after-school program that aim to promote academic and nonacademic development of school-aged youth by providing safe and structured after-school environments consisting of academic, enrichment, sport, and recreational activities. |
Extracurricular Science Intervention |
Insufficient Evidence | An academic service designed to foster understanding of science among elementary school students. |
Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based violence prevention program designed to reduce violence by increasing students’ ability to differentiate and coordinate the perspectives of self and others. |
Failure Free Reading |
Inconclusive Evidence | A language development program that aims to improve the reading skills of nonreaders (K-12) through direct instruction of reading comprehension, vocabulary and fluency. |
Fairplayer.Manual |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based bullying prevention program that aims to prevent bullying and relational aggression among middle- and high-school students. |
Faith Based Prevention and Health Promotion Model |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to prevent young people from becoming involved in drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, as well as other delinquent behaviors, by increasing social and academic skills and fostering a positive community environment through the local church. |
Families and Schools Together (FAST) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A multi-component program designed to prevent school failure, delinquency, aggression and substance abuse in at-risk elementary school children. |
Families First Home Visiting Program (FFHV) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A home visitation program to reduce child maltreatment injury and removal of children from their home while encouraging healthy child development. |
Families for Health |
Insufficient Evidence | A family-based intervention that aims to reduce obesity and improve health outcomes for children aged 6 to 11. |
Families for Safe Dates |
Inconclusive Evidence | A program designed to decrease dating abuse perpetration and victimization in adolescents . |
Families in Action |
Insufficient Evidence | A family-based program that aims to prevent and reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in high risk youths. |
Families Talking Together |
Not Dissemination Ready | A program designed to prevent sexual risk behavior among Latino and African American young adults through a parent-based intervention. |
Family Bereavement Program (FBP) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A family therapy program that aims to reduce problematic grief responses of parentally bereaved youths. |
Family Centered Treatment (FCT) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A family-driven therapeutic model that aims to re-introduce delinquent youth into their communities and prevent future recidivism in a more cost-effective way than traditional residential services. |
Family Check-Up – School |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based family-centered tiered intervention that aims to reduce problem behavior and risk for substance abuse and depression and improve family management practices and communication skills, as well as adolescents’ self-regulation skills and prosocial behaviors. |
Family Check-Up 4 Health |
Insufficient Evidence | A parenting intervention to improve child health behaviors by building motivation and providing individually-tailored family support. |
Family Check-Up Online |
Insufficient Evidence | An online and coaching program that aims to reduce child problem behavior through assessment and improvement of parenting.
Family Connections |
Insufficient Evidence | A multifaceted, community-based program that works with families in their homes and in the context of their neighborhoods to help them meet the basic needs of their children and reduce the risk of child neglect. |
Family Connects |
Inconclusive Evidence | A postnatal home visitation program that aims to promote infant health and well-being and reduce the need for infant emergency medical care. |
Family Critical Time Intervention (FCTI) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A community-based service model designed to prevent mental health problems and improve school outcomes in homeless children and adolescents by providing structured support and guidance for newly homeless families. |
Family Drug Court for Substance Abusing Parents |
Insufficient Evidence | A drug court program that aims to shorten the time children spend in foster care and increase the chances of families re-unifying after parental substance abuse by protecting the safety of the children while giving their parents the skills to become sober, self-sufficient caregivers. |
Family Effectiveness Training |
Inconclusive Evidence | A family therapy program that aims to correct maladaptive family interactions and strengthen the family, ultimately aiming at decreasing drug abuse of at-risk Hispanic adolescents. |
Family Group Cognitive-Behavioral Preventive Intervention |
Inconclusive Evidence | A family group cognitive-behavioral intervention that aims to enhance effective parenting in mothers and fathers with depression and to improve the coping skills of children and adolescents. |
Family Integrated Transitions Program for Juvenile Offenders (FIT) |
Insufficient Evidence | An intensive family- and community-based program that provides treatment to mentally ill, chemically dependent youth transitioning from a juvenile rehabilitation program setting back into the community, and thereby reduce recidivism. |
Family Leadership Training Institute |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program to develop leadership skills and civic engagement of adults and youths ages 11-15. |
Family Matters |
Inconclusive Evidence | Family directed program aimed at preventing adolescent tobacco and alcohol use. |
Family Rewards 2.0 |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program that aims to improve earnings, employment, educational attainment, health, and general well-being of families through financial rewards given to both adults and children who meet specific goals. |
Family Solutions Program (FSP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A family-based, group intervention that seeks to combat juvenile delinquency by modifying youth behaviors and the family environments that contribute to delinquency. |
Family Spirit |
Under Review | A parent training program for young Native American mothers that is designed to increase parenting knowledge, involvement, and stimulation of the child in the home environment, which over time helps to improve children’s social, emotional, and behavioral development and the mother’s well-being. |
Family Spirit Nurture |
Inconclusive Evidence | A home visitation program for tribal community mothers designed to promote maternal and early childhood health and well-being by addressing specific parent feeding practices in infancy.
Family Support Program |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training and early childhood education program to reduce risk factors for child developmental impairment and parent maltreatment among children with behavioral problems. |
Family Talk Intervention |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to educate families about depression in order to improve family relationships and functioning and reduce the risk of depression in children. |
Family-based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Excess Weight Gain |
Inconclusive Evidence | A 12-week program designed for parent-child pairs to prevent disordered eating and excess weight gain in preadolescent children by improving communication skills and interpersonal relationships. |
Family-Based Treatment for Obese Chinese Youth |
Inconclusive Evidence | A 2-year weight maintenance program that uses family-centered nutrition and physical activity training to promote healthy weight in obese children. |
Family-School Success (FSS) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A 12-session intervention designed to improve the family and educational functioning of children and reduce the symptoms of ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder in children. |
FAN Club (Family Advocacy Network) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent involvement program, conducted in combination with the SMART Moves youth program, that aims to strengthen high-risk families. |
Fast Track |
Not Dissemination Ready | A multi-component intervention designed to prevent antisocial behavior in at-risk children. |
Inconclusive Evidence | A web-based computer-tailored intervention that aims to prevent excessive weight gain among adolescents by increasing physical activity, decreasing sedentary behavior, and promoting healthy eating. |
Father Flanagan’s Girls and Boys Town |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-component program that provides short- or long-term residential care to juvenile offenders with significantly handicapping behavioral, emotional, and cognitive disorders who are either awaiting or returning from long-term placement by the juvenile court. |
Fathers for Change (F4C) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A fatherhood-focused intervention designed to reduce intimate partner violence and child maltreatment by improving emotion regulation and reflective functioning in fathers. |
FearNot! (Fun with Empathic Agents to achieve Novel Outcomes in Teaching) |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to enhance the problem solving skills of current or potential victims of bullying by encouraging students to generate and evaluate a wide range of responses to bullying in a safe environment that ensures privacy. |
Feelings Club |
Insufficient Evidence | A 12-week group intervention that focuses on recognizing and managing negative feelings and maladaptive thoughts. |
FIFA 11 for Health for Europe |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program that aims to improve cognitive performance through a structured physical activity routine. |
Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A video coaching program that aims to strengthen parent-child interactions and foster early brain development of young children. |
Firearm-Injury Prevention Programs (Eddie Eagle & Behavioral Skills Training) |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to reduce firearm injuries and gun play in children by teaching children gun-safety skills. |