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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1446 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
Heart Smart School Health Promotion
Insufficient Evidence

A one-time intervention program for adolescent females with body image concerns aimed at preventing eating disorders and obesity.

Help Increase the Peace Program (HIPP)
Insufficient Evidence

A program for youth aimed at teaching them to navigate violence in the world by being nonviolence themselves and leading social change.

Helping the Non-Compliant Child
Insufficient Evidence

A parent training program aimed at teaching how to prevent prevent serious conduct problems and subsequent juvenile delinquency in preschool and elementary school-aged children.

Helping Women Recover and Beyond Trauma
Inconclusive Evidence

A prison-based, therapeutic community treatment program intended to prevent recidivism through counseling tailored to the needs of female prisoners.

Helping, Encouraging, Listening, and Protecting Peers (HELPP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program for adolescents aimed at reducing eating disorders and addressing risk factors for eating and weight problems.

High Risk Revocation Reduction
Insufficient Evidence

A prison-to-community reentry program for adult male offenders that provides support that is designed to reduce recidivism rates.

Higher Achievement Program
Inconclusive Evidence

An after-school and summer program for underserved middle school students aimed at developing positive academic behaviors and attitudes.

Hip-Hop to Health Jr
Inconclusive Evidence

A program for minority preschool children aimed at reducing the risk for obesity by teaching healthy eating and exercise habits.

Holistic Life Foundation
Insufficient Evidence

A program for chronically stressed and disadvantaged youth aimed at teaching mindfulness and breathing practices to improve adjustment, reduce involuntary stress responses, improve mental health outcomes, and improve social adjustment.

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)
Insufficient Evidence

A home visitation program for parents of preschool aged children aimed at improving parenting skills and educational involvement to ultimately improve educational outcomes for the children.

Home-Based Behavioral Systems Family Therapy
Insufficient Evidence

A home-based family therapy program aimed at improving parenting and reducing family conflict and juvenile delinquency.

Home-Start (Netherlands)
Insufficient Evidence

A volunteer home visitation program designed to support mothers with young children and improve parent well-being, parenting skills, and child behavior.

Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS)
Insufficient Evidence

An intervention for children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder to improve organizational skills and academic performance.

Inconclusive Evidence

A sexual risk reduction program that aims to diminish incident sexually transmitted disease (STD) and enhance STD/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) preventative behaviors and psychosocial mediators.

Hot Spot Policing (Practice)
Inconclusive Evidence

A program for crime reduction that focuses on a small number of high-activity crime places and aims to be proactive rather than reactive in crime reduction.

House of Hope
Inconclusive Evidence

An in-prison program therapy for domestic violence offenders to reduce reoffense and foster a supportive social climate.

Houston Parent-Child Development Center
Inconclusive Evidence

A community-based program for economically disadvantaged children that trains cognitive and social skills to reduce academic disadvantages and improve mental health of participating families.

Houston’s Arts Access Initiative
Insufficient Evidence

A school arts program that aims to improve academic and social outcomes for elementary and middle school students by participating in school-community arts partnerships.

Hui Malama O Ke Kai (HMK)
Insufficient Evidence

An after-school program for Hawaiian youth and their parents aimed at improving youths’ academic, physical health, and social and mental health outcomes, and teaching parenting skills.

Hungarian General Practitioner Suicide Prevention Program
Insufficient Evidence

An educational program for health practitioners about depression and suicide, aimed at ultimately reducing suicide rates.

I Feel Better Now! A Structured Sensory Intervention Program for Traumatized Children, Adolescents, and Parents (SITCAP)
Insufficient Evidence

A program for schools or juvenile corrections facilities to help traumatized youth recover from and appropriately deal with traumatizing experiences. The program aims to reduce negative outcomes that are directly and indirectly associated with the experience of trauma, such as academic failure, mental health issues, and problem behavior.

I Hear What You’re Saying
Inconclusive Evidence

A computer-based program for mothers and their daughters. The focus is on enhancing mother-daughter relationships and appropriate family rules in order to prevent substance use among adolescent girls.

Ignition Interlock
Insufficient Evidence

A program that uses technology to prevent vehicle ignition when the driver is under the influence of alcohol. The goal is to prevent drunk driving among adults who have previously been convicted of an alcohol-related traffic violation.

Ignition Interlock with Closer Monitoring
Insufficient Evidence

A program that uses technology to prevent vehicle ignition when the driver is under the influence of alcohol coupled with additional communications strategies to enhance compliance. The goal is to prevent drunk driving among adults who have previously been convicted of an alcohol-related traffic violation.

Insufficient Evidence

A program for adolescent African American girls in juvenile detention that seeks to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections, promote HIV-prevention behaviors, and improve psychosocial outcomes.

Impact of Drinking Age Law
Insufficient Evidence

A policy to increase the legal age for purchasing alcohol from 18 to 21 in order to reduce youths’ alcohol use and impaired driving behaviors.

Improved Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
Insufficient Evidence

A pregnancy prevention program that aims to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by teaching providers to integrate intrauterine devices and implants into routine contraceptive care.

Improving Writing Quality, Self-Regulated Strategy Development
Inconclusive Evidence

A middle school program that can be used to teach most genres of writing, including narrative writing. The goal is to encourage pupils to take ownership of their work, thereby improving writing quality.

In Your Care Pregnancy Prevention Program
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program to reduce teen pregnancy by helping teens make better informed decisions about sexual behavior based on a realistic understanding of the life-changing consequences of unprotected sex.

In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Insufficient Evidence

A home visitation program to reduce the symptoms of depression in low-income mothers.

In-Prison Visitation (Practice)
Inconclusive Evidence

This practice aims to reduce recidivism after release from prison by allowing incarcerated individuals to maintain strong relationships with family, friends, and community volunteers through regular visitation.

Incredible Years – Child Prevention
Inconclusive Evidence

A teacher training program focused on classroom management and the fostering of social competence and emotional regulation among young children. The program aims to prevent conduct problems and improve school readiness among Head Start, kindergarten, and first grade students in schools drawing from high poverty, multiethnic areas.

Incredible Years – Parents and Babies
Insufficient Evidence

An 8-week parent training program that encourages positive and confident interactions with infants in order to foster parent-child attachment and support early childhood development. The program ultimately aims to reduce behavioral and emotional problems in children.

Incredible Years – Toddler Parenting Program
Insufficient Evidence

A 12-session parenting program for parents of children aged 1-2 years that teaches parents how to foster home environments that support early childhood social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Indianapolis Restorative Justice Project
Inconclusive Evidence

A restorative justice program consisting of conferences where the offending youth, the victim, and their supporters come together with a facilitator to dialogue about the crime and agree on appropriate reparations. The primary purpose of the program is to reduce juvenile recidivism. A secondary goal is to ensure victim, offender, and offender-parent satisfaction with alternative restorative justice sanctions.

Indicated Prevention for College Student Marijuana Use
Inconclusive Evidence

A program for college students that uses motivational enhancement and cognitive-behavioral techniques to enhance their intrinsic motivation to reduce levels of marijuana use.

Individualized Motivational Plans
Inconclusive Evidence

A cognitive-behavioral training program designed to reduce recidivism among men convicted of intimate partner violence using motivational interview techniques.

Individualized Treatment Program for Adolescent Shoplifters
Inconclusive Evidence

A program for youth who have been convicted of shoplifting with the goal of increasing personal responsibility and reducing recidivism through completion of individualized treatment programs.

Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A home visitation program for low birth weight infants and their families to reduce developmental delays by enhancing cognitive, fine motor, language, social, and emotional skills.

Inner Explorer
Inconclusive Evidence

The school-based mindful awareness training program is designed to increase quarterly grade performance and positive classroom behavior among elementary school students.

InnerChange Freedom Initiative
Insufficient Evidence

A faith-based mentoring and therapeutic program designed to reduce recidivism among adult offenders during their transition from prison back to the community.

Under Review

A program for college students that aims to promote academic engagement and retention through individualized mentoring delivered by coaches via phone, email, text messaging or social media.

INSIGHTS into Children’s Temperament
Under Review

A multi-component school-based program that aims to support attentional and behavioral self-regulation and improve academic outcomes in children.

Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based pedagogical intervention designed to improve instruction for all students, particularly emergent bilinguals in the United States (or English language learners).

Instructor-Led Intervention for Obese Mexican American Youth
Inconclusive Evidence

An intensive school-based nutrition and physical activity program to promote healthy weight among Mexican American children.

Integrated Domestic Abuse Program (IDAP)
Insufficient Evidence

A corrections-based program for male offenders with a history of intimate partner abuse. The program aims to reduce reoffense by helping them take responsibility for their actions and acknowledge gender inequalities over the course of 27 two-hour sessions.

Integrated Health Care Program
Insufficient Evidence

A program to integrate physical and mental health services for children and youth with complex medical conditions. The goal is to improve mental health outcomes including problem behavior and coping skills.

Integrated Nutrition and Physical Activity Program (INPAP)
Insufficient Evidence

A 28-lesson school-based program focused on teaching children the benefits of healthy eating and increased physical activity. The goal is to improve health outcomes by improving knowledge of, and attitudes towards, healthy behaviors.

Integrated Outpatient Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT)
Inconclusive Evidence

A mental health and substance abuse program to decrease alcohol and marijuana use, as well as suicide ideation and attempts, through integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Integrated Theater Arts Lessons
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that incorporates theater and arts into academics to improve middle school students’ performance in the core curricular areas of language arts and mathematics.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.