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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1446 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
Integrating Mathematics and Literature
Insufficient Evidence

A classroom intervention aimed at increasing early mathematical skills for preschool-age children with a disability.

Intelligent Tutoring of the Structure Strategy (ITSS)
Inconclusive Evidence

A web-based, intelligent tutoring system that aims to increase nonfiction reading comprehension by focusing on understanding text structure.

Intensified Alcohol Law Enforcement
Insufficient Evidence

A program to reduce adolescent weekly drinking and drunkenness by intensifying inspections on alcohol retailers and implementing a liquor license withdrawal policy.

Intensive Aftercare Program (IAP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A program to reduce recidivism among high-risk juvenile parolees as they transition from incarceration to the community.

Intensive Protective Supervision Project (North Carolina)
Inconclusive Evidence

A one-year community supervision program for juvenile status offenders. The program aims to decrease the incidence of delinquent and status offenses by reducing negative behaviors while increasing positive behaviors.

Intensive Supervision and Support Program (ISSP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A multifaceted program for persistent young offenders that is delivered jointly by police, social services, and education professionals. The goal is to reduce crime attributable to those whose persistent anti-social behavior has led to multiple arrests, cautions, and prosecutions.

Intensive Supervision Program for Sex Offenders
Insufficient Evidence

An intensive probation program for sex offenders designed to decrease recidivism.

International Child Development Program (ICDP)
Insufficient Evidence

A community-based parent training program to improve child management and parenting strategies.

Internet-Delivered Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (I-PCIT)
Insufficient Evidence

A 12-week, internet-delivered program for young children with emotional and behavioral problems and their parents or caregivers. The goal is to reduce behavioral and emotional difficulties by emphasizing improvement of the parent-child relationship, teaching effective parenting skills, and encouraging effective discipline.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Excess Weight Gain
Inconclusive Evidence

A 12-week program designed to prevent excess weight gain and disordered eating in adolescent girls by improving communication skills and interpersonal relationships.

Intervention to Reduce Violence and Substance Use
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program focused on reducing violence and substance use among primarily Latino high school students.

Interventions for Boys with Conduct Problems
Inconclusive Evidence

A home- and classroom-based program to reduce the behavioral problems of boys labeled with conduct disorder.

Investigations in Number, Data, and Space
Insufficient Evidence

A kindergarten to fifth grade curriculum that uses student-centered instruction emphasizing metacognition, peer communication, and arriving at solutions in multiple ways. The goal is to improve student math achievement.

Israeli Work Release Rehabilitation Program (Adult Practice)
Inconclusive Evidence

An adult crime prevention program designed to reduce recidivism among low-risk offenders.

It’s My Turn Now! (En nu ik)
Insufficient Evidence

A program providing treatment sessions for children exposed to interparental violence while providing concurrent training for parents. The program aims to improve parenting, enhance parents’ emotional adustment, and improve the child’s mental health outcomes.

It’s Your Game: Keep it Real (IYG)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based health education program designed to delay sexual behavior and promote healthy dating relationships among ethnic-minority middle school youths.

It’s Your Move!
Insufficient Evidence

A program to reduce unhealthy weight gain and obesity among adolescents through comprehensive school- and community-based systems changes aimed at facilitating healthier lifestyles.

Jersey City Problem-Oriented Policing
Insufficient Evidence

A program that uses cooperation between public housing authorities and police departments to reduce serious crime.

Job Corps
Inconclusive Evidence

A comprehensive residential program to increase employment and reduce crime among disadvantaged youth by providing them with educational programming, vocational training, mental health support, and related services. The program further aims to improve prospects for lifetime earnings and promote responsible citizenship.

Job Placement Assistance to Reduce Recidivism (Practice)
Insufficient Evidence

A transitional community-based program to reduce crime and recidivism among individuals recently released from prison by providing them with streamlined access to entry-level employment.

Inconclusive Evidence

A community-based program designed to improve the educational attainment and occupational skills of high-school dropouts, enabling them to obtain better jobs and higher income.

Join the Healthy Boat
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program for primary school children designed to decrease obesity.

Journey of Hope
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based manualized intervention that aims to support children in normalizing emotions associated with a traumatic event while developing positive coping strategies.

JOVEN – Together Against Dating Violence
Insufficient Evidence

A three-month school-based program that aims to reduce dating violence among Hispanic adolescents.

Judicially Mandated College Students
Insufficient Evidence

A program to reduce alcohol consumption among college students who have previously engaged in high-risk drinking.

Inconclusive Evidence

A program to reduce sexual risk behavior among adolescents and young adults by delivering sexual health education and support through social media.

Juvenile Court: Sex Crimes
Insufficient Evidence

A 12-24 month community-based supervision program that aims to reduce felony recidivism among juveniles who have committed sexual offenses. The program includes community outreach, education, and mental health components.

Kansas City Gun Experiment
Insufficient Evidence

A program to reduce gun-related crime by removing guns from the streets through the implementation of targeted and proactive police patrols.

Keep a Clear Mind (KACM)
Insufficient Evidence

A take-home drug education program for upper elementary school students (9 to 11 years old) and their parents. The program is based on a social skills training model and is designed to enhance communication between parents and children and help children develop specific skills to refuse and avoid the use of “gateway” drugs.

Keep Cool
Inconclusive Evidence

A program to reduce disruptive behaviors in students by teaching them social cognitive skills such as problem solving, cognitive restructuring, and social engagement.

keepin’ it REAL
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that prepares students to resist substance use in a manner most culturally relevant and familiar to them through the teaching of communication skills, problem-solving, and risk assessment.

Keeping Foster Parents Trained and Supported (KEEP)
Insufficient Evidence

A program to reduce behavioral problems among foster children and their siblings by providing parents with caregiver support and training in behavioral management.

Kentucky Adolescent Tobacco Prevention Project
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based curriculum with skills training that is designed to prevent tobacco use among high-risk adolescents living in high tobacco production areas.

Kentucky’s Family Resource Centers
Insufficient Evidence

A program with school, community, and family components that aims to enhance the participation of families in the educational process and to strengthen their capacity to enable children’s readiness for learning.

Kid and Adults Now — Defeat Obesity (KAN-DO)
Insufficient Evidence

A parent training program to improve the diet, physical activity, and weight of children ages 2-5 by helping their mothers to regulate their emotions, improve feeding practices, and model healthy behavior.

Kids in Transition to School (KITS)
Insufficient Evidence

A program designed to improve the school readiness of at-risk children aged four to six years old prior to and over the first few months of kindergarten. The program focuses on developing early literacy, social, and self-regulatory skills.

Kids N Fitness
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program with a special emphasis on minority children and early adolescents that aims to increase physical activity and reduce obesity.

Kids’ Club and The Moms’ Group: Community-Based Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence
Insufficient Evidence

A program to prevent children who have experienced or witnessed family violence from developing external and internal emotional and behavioral problems through group counseling. The program also includes training for mothers who have experienced intimate partner abuse.

Kiel Obesity Prevention Study (KOPS)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention focusing on diet and activity to reduce body fat and obesity in children. A secondary, family-based component offers families of overweight children in-home consultations to help them reduce body fat and maintain healthy lifestyles.

Kind Acts
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to enhance happiness, prosocial behavior, and peer acceptance in preadolescents by prompting them to perform acts of kindness each week.

Kindness Curriculum
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to enhance executive function, self-regulation, and prosocial behavior through a mindfulness-based training curriculum delivered by mindfulness instructors during the regular school day. The program consists of two 20-30 min lessons each week over a 12-week period.

KIPP Charter Schools – Elementary
Insufficient Evidence

The charter schools, which may include both pre-K and elementary students, emphasize rigorous academics and character instruction, with the ultimate goal of preparing students to succeed in college and beyond.

KIPP Charter Schools – Secondary
Under Review

The charter secondary schools seek to dramatically improve student academic achievement by engaging students and parents in the educational process, expanding the time and effort students devote to their studies, and reinforcing students’ social competencies and positive behaviors.

Insufficient Evidence

An online, interactive conflict resolution program designed to reduce teen violence.

Kripalu Yoga in the Schools (KYIS)
Insufficient Evidence

A program to improve adolescents’ emotional and mood regulation and to support their ability to avoid substance use through increased mind-body awareness.

Insufficient Evidence

A comprehensive, community-based intervention that seeks to foster a safe environment in which interpersonal skills and self-esteem can be developed in children.

Lakota Circles of Hope
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to reduce substance use, alcohol use, and smoking through a culturally-relevant curriculum centered on Lakota values.

Insufficient Evidence

A community-based program that seeks to reduce juvenile delinquency among African American youth.

Leader In Me
Inconclusive Evidence

A whole-school intervention designed to develop leadership skills among elementary school-aged students.

Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP)
Insufficient Evidence

A multi-component program that attempts: 1) motivate local youth to reject illegal drug activity, including possession, use and distribution, 2) provide alternative activities and opportunities for youths most at risk for hard-core drug abuse, 3) divert youth from the criminal justice system into programs that address underlying precursors of drug abuse and related criminal behaviors, and 4) facilitate community involvement and inter-agency collaboration.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.