Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
Leadership Education Through Athletic Development (LEAD) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve the cognitive, affective and physical self-regulation among elementary school students. |
Learn Young, Learn Fair |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to decrease stress, anxiety and depression and to increase stress awareness while providing a variety of coping strategies to fifth- and sixth- grade children. |
Learning about Activity and Understanding Nutrition for Child Health (LAUNCH) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A 6-month behavioral intervention designed to reduce obesity in indicated preschool children by providing healthy eating and activity strategies to parents. |
Learning Accounts |
Not Dissemination Ready | A financial-incentive program designed for high school students that provides an early guarantee of a grant worth up to $8,000 for post-secondary education, conditional on high school completion. |
Learning for Life |
Insufficient Evidence | A character education program that aims to help schools and communities instill values of good character, citizenship, and personal fitness as a foundation that will prepare young people to make ethical decisions throughout their lives. |
Learning Strategies Curriculum |
Inconclusive Evidence | A supplemental, targeted intervention intended to help students with reading, writing, and academic competence. |
Learning to BREATHE |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to reduce stress and improve emotional regulation in adolescents and college students. |
Learning with a Purpose: A Life Long Learning Approach to Self-Determination |
Insufficient Evidence | A classroom-wide curriculum and approach to detect, intervene, and prevent the development of emotional and behavioral disorders in children at risk for such disorders |
Legacy for Children |
Insufficient Evidence | A public health strategy that aims to support mothers’ ability to engage in positive parenting behaviors and interactions thereby supporting healthy child development. |
LENA Grow |
Insufficient Evidence | A language-based program for early childhood teachers aimed at increasing language acquisition for children from low-income households. |
LENA Start™ |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent group intervention aimed at increasing language acquisition for their young children. |
Lessons in Character |
Inconclusive Evidence | A literature-based character education program implemented in schools that is designed to reinforce learning and promote prosocial behaviors among elementary-aged students. |
Let’s Talk |
Insufficient Evidence | An interactive reading intervention designed to improve preschool children’s oral language abilities. |
Let’s Talk About The Children |
Insufficient Evidence | A psycho-educational discussion for parents with mood disorder that aims to prevent the rise of psycho-social symptoms and prevent the outbreak of depressive and anxiety disorders in their children. |
Letting Go and Staying Connected |
Inconclusive Evidence | An interactive parent-adolescent handbook intervention designed to provide parents with strategies to decrease first-year college student risk behaviors by increasing family protective factors. |
Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based intervention designed to help early learners achieve grade-level literacy competency. |
Life Skills Training CD-ROM |
Insufficient Evidence | A home-based program designed to prevent the initiation of substance use among adolescents, specifically targeting tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana as the “gateway drugs,” using CD-ROM technology for program delivery.
Life Smart |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to reduce obesity and risk factors for eating problems and weight gain among adolescents. |
Life-Skills Approach to Smoking Prevention |
Insufficient Evidence | A smoking prevention program designed to promote fundamental social competencies and coping skills in order to prevent/delay smoking in secondary students. |
Lifelines |
Insufficient Evidence | A curriculum that teaches students appropriate ways to respond to suicidal peers and resources that they can utilize in such encounters. |
LifeSkills Training (LST) for High School Students |
Insufficient Evidence | A classroom-based program that aims to prevent substance abuse and violence in high school students by teaching them personal self-management skills, social skills, and other cognitive-behavioral skills needed to successfully handle the challenges of everyday life and increase overall resilience. |
LifeSkills Training- Elementary Program |
Insufficient Evidence | A classroom-based program designed to reduce tobacco and alcohol use by providing elementary school students with the necessary knowledge and skills for resisting social influences to use tobacco and alcohol, as well as to reduce motivation to use these substances. |
Lifestart |
Insufficient Evidence | A home visitation program that provides support to parents of children aged from birth to five years, ultimately aiming at improving outcomes for children in cognitive and non-cognitive skills and health. |
LiFuS Program (Read at Home and at School) |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-component program designed to enhance the reading motivation and comprehension of primary school children by establishing supportive reading environments at home and at school. |
Linking Families and Teens |
Inconclusive Evidence | A family communication and sexual health education program that aims to reduce unplanned teen pregnancies among rural youth by promoting family connectedness and increasing youth self-efficacy, knowledge, and skills related to sexual health. |
Linking Information and Families Together (LIFT) |
Under Review | A program aimed to lower rates of adolescent substance use in middle school by providing parents with information about their child’s academic performance and behavior. |
Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT) |
Not Dissemination Ready | A multi-component program that aims to decrease antisocial behavior and increase their prosocial behavior in children by targeting the family, school, and peer domains. |
Lions-Quest Skills for Adolescence |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program that aims to: 1) decrease violence and substance abuse by encouraging youth to develop social and communication skills; 2) improve relationships with peers, family, teachers, and community; 3) increase knowledge of drugs; 4) increase problem solving, goal-making, and reading skills; and 5) develop a better self-image. |
Lions-Quest Working toward Peace |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to decrease school violence and aggression while promoting positive social interaction and bonding skills in adolescents. |
LISA (LARS&LISA) – CBT Depression Prevention |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral training program designed to prevent the onset or increase in depressive symptoms among middle-school students. |
Literacy Express |
Not Dissemination Ready | A school-based program that aims to improve preschool emergent literacy among both Spanish-speaking English language learners and English-speaking children, using teacher-led small groups and a designated curriculum. |
Living in 2 Worlds (L2W) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to support the ability of urban American Indian youth to resist substance use by learning new skills and integrating culturally appropriate elements. |
Living Insurance/Financial Aid for Ex-Offenders (Practice) |
Inconclusive Evidence | Financial aids provided to recently released ex-offenders who have a high risk of recidivism for nonviolent property crimes as a way to remove the economic motivations behind recidivism. |
Lookin’ Good Feelin’ Good |
Insufficient Evidence | A school nurse-delivered intervention designed to help overweight adolescents improve diet, increase exercise, and ultimately reduce body mass index. |
Louisiana Health Study |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based obesity prevention program designed to reduce overweight and obesity among elementary school students through environmental modification and the fostering of healthy behavior patterns. |
Love Notes |
Inconclusive Evidence | A program that aims to reduce aggression, risky sexual behavior, and dating violence by teaching adolescents about healthy sexuality, abuse in dating, and healthy relationships. |
LSP IPSY (Information + Psychosocial Competence = Protection) |
Insufficient Evidence | A comprehensive life skills program that aims to prevent adolescent misuse of legal substances, such as alcohol and tobacco. |
Lunch Buddy |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based bullying prevention program designed to reduce victimization by paring bullied children with college-aged mentors during lunch. |
Lunchtime Enjoyment Activity and Play (LEAP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to increase active play, quality of life, and enjoyment of physical activity in children by introducing movable/recycled materials to school playgrounds. |
Luoghi di Prenzione-Prevention Grounds |
Insufficient Evidence | A multimodal program facilitated in communities and schools to reduce smoking prevalence among high school students in Italy. |
MAC-Choice |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral training program designed to educate youth about the risks of unsafe sex, develop a decision-making process to motivate changes toward safer sex practices, and provide behavioral and social skills training to achieve safer sex goals. |
Machine Learning Risk Forecasts (Practice) |
Inconclusive Evidence | An adult crime prevention program that aims to reduce recidivism among parolees by helping to better assess the risks of a prospective parolee at parole hearings. |
Madres a Madres (Mothers to Mothers) |
Insufficient Evidence | A home-based program designed for Latina immigrant mothers that aims to 1) establish developmentally appropriate expectations for child behavior; 2) develop positive parent-child interaction techniques and child behavioral management techniques; and 3) maximize utilization of community resources. |
Magnitude Card Game |
Inconclusive Evidence | A play-based intervention designed to narrow the early mathematics gap between low- and middle-income preschoolers. |
Make a Move |
Inconclusive Evidence | A childhood obesity prevention parent training program designed to positively influence the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of low-income preschool-aged children in terms of their physical activity and eating habits. |
Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program that aims to increase positive parenting skills and decrease perceived stress in low-income parents. |
Making Choices and Strong Families Programs |
Insufficient Evidence | Programs designed to reduce peer rejection and problems associated with conduct disorder in children and to improve parenting skills in parents of the same children. |
Making Pre-K Count |
Insufficient Evidence | A teacher training program that aims to improve mathematical knowledge for low-income preschool students. |
Making Pre-K Count + High 5s |
Not Dissemination Ready | A multi-component program that aims to improve mathematical knowledge for low-income kindergarten students. |
Making the Smart Choice |
Insufficient Evidence | A training program designed for students suspended for committing a violent act at school and their family that aims to reduce school-based violence by focusing on areas of conflict resolution, anger management, and communication. |