Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
Parenting Education Program (PEP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-component program that aims to enhance positive parenting behaviors and family relationships |
Parenting Mindfully |
Inconclusive Evidence | A mindfulness program for stressed parents of adolescents that aims to increase parent-adolescent relationship quality and reduce adolescent problem behaviors. |
Parenting Partnership |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed to reduce family risk and increase family protective factors related to child substance abuse, family stress, and emotional difficulties. |
Parenting Toolkit |
Insufficient Evidence | An online parent training program designed to increase parents’ self-efficacy and improve their disciplinary responses to child oppositional behavior, ultimately intending to reduce problem behavior among at-risk adolescents. |
Parenting Video-Feedback Therapy |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed for mothers with postnatal depression to improve parenting skills, and in return, the quality of the mother-child interaction. |
Parenting Wisely |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program that aims to reduce behavior problems in at-risk children by teaching effective parenting skills to families. |
Parenting With Love and Limits (PLL) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A parent training program that aims to reestablish parenting authority, improve parent-child interaction, and reduce behavior problems and criminal offending of youth. |
Parents and Children Making Connections – Highlighting Attention |
Insufficient Evidence | A family-based training program that aims to improve academic readiness and selective attention in preschoolers from lower socioeconomic families. |
Parents and Children Talking Together (PCTT) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed to decrease child problem behavior by improving family communication. |
Parents and Tots Together (PTT) |
Insufficient Evidence | A group lesson that aims to reduce body mass index (BMI) and promote healthy eating and exercise among children by changing parenting strategies and behaviors. |
Parents as Teachers |
Inconclusive Evidence | A home visitation program that supports positive child development by providing information and guidance to parents and by helping parents in being the first teachers of their children. |
Parents Plus – Parenting When Separated (PP-PWS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed for separated parents to develop skills for coping and effective co-parenting. |
Parents Plus Adolescents Program (PPAP) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A parent training program that aims to reduce adolescent antisocial and problem behaviors by teaching parents positive parenting and discipline strategies. |
Parents Plus Children’s Programme |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed to reduce and prevent child behavior problems by providing parents with positive parenting and discipline strategies. |
Parents Plus Early Years |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program that aims to empower parents to build positive relationships with their child and to promote child development. |
Parents, Students, and Teachers for Healthy Eating (PAPPAS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based intervention designed to promote healthy eating habits among adolescents, ultimately to reduce the increase in students’ Body Mass Index (BMI). |
Partners in Parenting |
Insufficient Evidence | A tailored web-based parenting program to prevent adolescent depression and anxiety problems. |
PASCET (Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training) |
Insufficient Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral therapy program for depressed children and adolescents that teaches appropriate coping mechanisms for different types of distressing situations. |
PASS Reading Enhancement Program (PREP) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A remedial reading comprehension program for primary school-aged children who are experiencing difficulty with reading and spelling. |
Passport to Literacy |
Insufficient Evidence | A supplemental multi-component intervention designed to improve the reading outcomes of struggling readers. |
Pathfinder Programs for Offenders Serving Probation Orders |
Insufficient Evidence | A cognitive skills training initiative designed to develop offenders’ problem solving, creative thinking, social, emotions management, negotiation, values enhancement, and critical reasoning skills. |
Pathway Project |
Inconclusive Evidence | A teacher training program that aims to improve the reading and writing skills of English learners in middle school and high school, by training and supporting English teachers to provide students with explicit instruction and practice of the cognitive strategies required to understand, interpret, and write essays about complex text. |
Pathways for African American Success |
Inconclusive Evidence | A parenting and family communication program to avert risky sexual and substance use behaviors and prevent HIV among African American youth. |
Pathways Home |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to improve parenting behaviors and prevent reunification failures of children returning home to biological parents after first-time stays in foster care. |
Pathways To Change |
Insufficient Evidence | A computer-based smoking cessation program that aims to achieve successful smoking cessation by enrolling participants in an individualized behavioral intervention according to their stage of preparation to quit. |
Pause, Breathe, Smile |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to promote well-being in elementary school children. |
PAX Good Behavior Game |
Inconclusive Evidence | A classroom-based program that aims to reduce aggressive, disruptive behavior and other behavioral problems in children by creating a positive and effective learning environment. |
PBS KIDS Raising Readers Curriculum Supplement |
Inconclusive Evidence | A universal media-enriched curriculum supplement that focuses on developing early literacy skills among children aged 2-8 years. |
PEACE Pack |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-wide strategy aimed to reduce bullying behaviors and victimization among students. |
PeaceBuilders |
Inconclusive Evidence | A violence prevention curriculum for grades K-5 that teaches students and staff interaction principles that build social competence skills and reduce aggression. |
Peaceful Alternatives to Tough Situations (PATTS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to increase youth’s positive conflict-resolution skills and reduce vengeful and aggressive behavior. |
PeaceMakers |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to prevent youth violence by improving interpersonal behaviors and boosting psychosocial skills. |
Pediatric Overweight Prevention through Parent Training Program (POP) |
Insufficient Evidence | An obesity prevention program designed to reduce obesity rates among Latino children by educating parents on optimal nutrition and physical activity over seven weekly classes. |
Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) |
Insufficient Evidence | A peer-based program targeted towards school-aged children to address risk and protective factors associated with youth alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and reduce the risk of youth participation in violence. |
Peer Group Connection (PGC) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to ease the transition into high school by using older high school students to help freshmen learn skills necessary to academic success and, ultimately, prevent dropout during the critical first and second years of high school. |
Peer Support Systems for Bullying |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to reduce bullying and other conflict by training students in peer support systems and conflict resolution strategies. |
Peer-Assisted Social Learning (PASL) |
Insufficient Evidence | A peer-assisted social learning program that aims to improve social problem-solving skills in low-income youth through a curriculum delivered by trained staff in an after-school community setting. |
Penn Resiliency Program |
Not Dissemination Ready | A group-based cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to reduce depressive symptoms among middle-school students. |
Per Scholas |
Inconclusive Evidence | A training and internship program that prepares those with a high school diploma or GED for well-paying jobs in the IT industry. |
Performance-Based Scholarships (Scholarship-Only Program) |
Insufficient Evidence | A scholarship program that aims to increase the financial support available to low-income students and create an incentive for such students to complete their courses and make more timely progress toward degrees. |
Period of PURPLE Crying (PURPLE) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent training program designed to decrease Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) through the provision of information about infant crying habits and ways to deal with it. |
PHAT Life |
Insufficient Evidence | A psychosocial intervention that aims to reduce HIV risk behavior, aggression, and re-incarceration among juvenile offenders on probation. |
Philosophy for Children (P4C) |
Insufficient Evidence | A program designed to improve children’s reasoning abilities and judgment by teaching them how to think for themselves and make informed choices. |
Phoenix House Academy |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program that aims to reduce substance use and problems associated with substance use among court-involved youths. |
Phonological Awareness plus Synthetic Phonics (Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing Program) |
Inconclusive Evidence | An academic service that aims to improve the reading outcomes of students who enter school with reduced phonological skill through increased instruction on phonological awareness and synthetic phonics. |
Phonological Awareness Training |
Insufficient Evidence | An academic service that aims to improve phonological knowledge among preschoolers who are expected to experience difficulty in learning to read. |
Phonological Awareness Training – Segmentation and Rhyming |
Insufficient Evidence | An academic service that aims to improve phonological knowledge among preschoolers who are expected to experience difficulty in learning to read, using small-group activities. |
Phonological Awareness Training with Music |
Insufficient Evidence | An academic service that aims to improve phonological knowledge among preschoolers who may be at increased risk of experiencing difficulty in learning to read, using music and picture and object examples. |
Physical Activity Leaders (PALs) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program that seeks to reduce BMI and improve muscular fitness, physical activity, and dietary behavior of low-active adolescent boys from disadvantaged schools. |
Physicians Counseling Smokers (PCS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A smoking cessation program that aims to increase physicians’ adoption of and effectiveness at delivering smoking cessation strategies to their patients, ultimately aiming to reduce smoking rates. |