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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1446 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
Penn Resiliency Program
Not Dissemination Ready

A group-based cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to reduce depressive symptoms among middle-school students.

Positive Family Support
Not Dissemination Ready

A family-based, 3-tiered intervention that aims to reduce problem behavior and risk for substance abuse and depression and improve family management practices and communication skills, as well as adolescents’ self-regulation skills and prosocial behaviors.

Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics Tutorial (PKMT)
Not Dissemination Ready

A school-based program targeting pre-K students scoring in the lowest quartile for mathematics to improve their performance in mathematics.

Prime Time
Not Dissemination Ready

A multi-component youth development program designed to reduce pregnancy risk and aggression among high-risk adolescent girls.

Project Northland
Not Dissemination Ready

A multi-level program designed to reduce teen alcohol use through classroom curricula, peer leadership, youth-driven extra-curricular activities, parent involvement programs, and community activism.

Promise Academy
Not Dissemination Ready

A K-8 charter school that intends to improve student achievement through a program of academic rigor, student support, and non-academic services.

Resilience Triple P
Not Dissemination Ready

A family counseling program intended to reduce childhood bullying and enhance emotional resilience through facilitative parenting training and social and emotional skills training for children.

SAFE (Schools and Families Educating) Children
Not Dissemination Ready

A family intervention designed to prevent later drug abuse by helping 5 to 6 year old children make the transition to elementary school, have a successful first year, and set a strong base for the future.

Safer California Universities
Not Dissemination Ready

An environmental or community-based prevention program designed to reduce the likelihood and incidence of university student intoxication at off-campus settings through enforcement of drinking regulations and publicity regarding problem drinking.

Seattle Social Development Project
Not Dissemination Ready

A school-wide program intended to reduce school failure, drug abuse, and delinquency by enhancing students’ opportunities, skills and rewards in the classroom and at home.

Not Dissemination Ready

An early-grade family-school-community partnership model that uses one-on-one tutoring and family engagement strategies across two school years to improve students’ reading and literacy skills and school attendance.

Not Dissemination Ready

A comprehensive reading intervention for struggling readers in grades 3 and 5 that integrates the five essential elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness (sound processing), phonics (sound-letter relationships), fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

Steps to Respect
Not Dissemination Ready

An anti-bullying curriculum designed to reduce bullying and destructive bystander behaviors, increase prosocial beliefs related to bullying, and increase social-emotional skills through a grade appropriate literature unit and other educational materials and lessons.

Summer Counseling
Not Dissemination Ready

A counseling program offered during the summer following high school graduation to ensure that college-intending students actually enroll in college. The program helps the students to overcome unanticipated financial, informational and emotional barriers that hinder college enrollment.

Summer Counseling — Texts
Not Dissemination Ready

A counseling program offered during the summer following high school graduation to ensure that college-intending students actually enroll in college. The program helps the students to overcome unanticipated financial, informational and emotional barriers that hinder college enrollment.

Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation College Scholarship
Not Dissemination Ready

A financial aid program designed for economically disadvantaged high school seniors who are college-bound, have yet to make their initial enrollment decisions, and seek financial assistance to help them afford college.

Wisconsin Scholars Grant
Not Dissemination Ready

A financial aid program designed for economically disadvantaged high school seniors who are college-bound, have yet to make their initial enrollment decisions, and seek financial assistance to help them afford college.

Young Adult Internship Program
Not Dissemination Ready

A workforce development program intended to help young adults gain long-term, stable employment through an internship and other support services.

Insufficient Evidence

A parent-based program that aims to decrease the prevalence of childhood obesity through face-to-face parent meetings, take-home activities, and educational materials, all of which provide information on and encourage healthy behaviors in children.

1st Class@Number
Insufficient Evidence

A mathematics lesson program designed for elementary school students struggling with mathematics to help them make faster progress and catch up with their peers.

30 Days to Family
Insufficient Evidence

A short-term, intensive intervention to place children in the foster care system with relatives and to return the children from foster care sooner than normal.

Academic Achievement and Physical Activity Across the Curriculum
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to increase academic achievement in elementary school children by training teachers to deliver academic instruction in conjunction with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

Acadiana Coalition of Teens Against Tobacco (ACTT)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based drug prevention program that seeks to reduce the use of tobacco among high school students, specifically targeting 30-day cessation rates.

Insufficient Evidence

A substance abuse prevention program that primarily targets African American children and families living in poverty.

Accelerated Reader
Insufficient Evidence

A web-based intervention that encourages independent reading among early adolescents.

Access to Inspiration and Motivation (AIM) Program
Insufficient Evidence

An after-school program that attempts to build skills among early adolescents through outdoor activities, academic studies, and community service.

Accumulated Brisk Walking Program
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to change the body composition of children through short bouts of brisk walking accumulated across a 15-week period.

Achievement for Latinos through Academic Success (ALAS)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-wide training and support program that aims to reduce dropout rates and increase school engagement and achievement by working closely with students and parents.

Across Ages
Insufficient Evidence

A multi-setting treatment program that aims to promote community and individual resiliency among youth at risk for drug use. The program targets several domains, including the individual, family, school, peer, and community/neighborhood spheres.

ACS Confirm
Insufficient Evidence

A detention reduction program that aims to improve the amount of information made available to justice professionals, particularly judges, when deciding whether to detain a young person in foster care. In addition, the program seeks to reduce the disparity in detention between foster and non-foster children, as well as minimize placement transfers and use of emergency facilities for youth in foster care.

ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program (ACT-PRSK)
Insufficient Evidence

An interactive parent program that aims to reduce misbehavior among children and the use of violent disciplinary actions among parents by teaching family-based parenting skills and improving communication between parents and children.

Active Parenting
Insufficient Evidence

A video-based parent education program that aims to change parents’ attitudes toward their children, as well as improve parents’ child rearing techniques.

Active Teaching
Insufficient Evidence

A consultative intervention that aims to increase teacher effectiveness through video vignettes and textbooks.

Activity Knowledge Circuit
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based, cross-curricular physical activity intervention that aims to improve cardiovascular disease risk profiles among young adolescents by increasing in-school physical activity by two hours.

Ada County Attendance Court
Insufficient Evidence

A youth diversion program designed to reduce school truancy and tardiness, thereby decreasing the likelihood of dropout and future criminal offenses.

Ada Sheriff’s Youth Foundation (SYF)
Insufficient Evidence

An after-school enrichment program that aims to promote protective factors that guard against negative life outcomes among at-risk youth. These negative, life-affecting outcomes include: 1) delinquency; 2) dropping out of school; 3) illegal use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; 4) unwanted teenage pregnancy; and 5) being held back in school.

Addressing Substance-Related Offending (ASRO)
Insufficient Evidence

A group-based program designed to reduce substance-related crime by targeting substance abuse among offenders serving community service sentences.

ADHD Program
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based multi-component program designed to enable the appropriate responding of teachers to the educational expectations of students with ADHD. The program provides mainstream elementary school teachers with systematic training in behavioral modification and cognitive-behavioral techniques, as well as instructional management strategies.

Adolescent Decision-Making for the Positive Youth Development Collaboration (ADM-PYDC)
Insufficient Evidence

An after-school group program that attempts to boost decision-making and other substance use prevention skills and provide health education and cultural heritage skills in order to reduce substance use among adolescents.

Adolescent Depression Awareness Program (ADAP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based educational curriculum that aims to improve adolescent awareness and knowledge of depression in order to destigmatize the illness and increase help-seeking.

Adolescent Diversion Program (ADP)
Insufficient Evidence

A home-visiting program designed as an alternative to legal proceedings that aims to reduce recidivism and improve family relations through regular visits from a family worker.

Adolescent Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Program
Insufficient Evidence

An outpatient prevention program that targets areas of deficit and vulnerability among adolescent substance abusers referred directly by law enforcement personnel for intervention.

Adolescent Portable Therapy
Insufficient Evidence

An outpatient family-based service that aims to reduce substance abuse and recidivism among adolescents within the juvenile justice system. The program also aims to improve the educational, social, mental, and physical well-being of youth and their families.

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
Insufficient Evidence

A set of elective high school courses designed to help students with mid-range academic performance and from traditionally underserved populations to graduate on time and enroll in college.

Advancing School and Community Engagement Now for Disease Prevention (ASCEND)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based and family reinforced education program that aims to reduce and prevent childhood obesity and related social and medical issues through nutritional education and physical activity breaks.

Aggression Replacement Training (Adult)
Insufficient Evidence

A skill-based program that aims to reduce the risk of further violence and recidivism among violent offenders through the identification, development, and practice of social skills for prosocial behavior.

Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
Insufficient Evidence

A skill-based program that aims to reduce rates of recidivism, enhance community function, and teach alternative prosocial behaviors through skill acquisition, anger control, and enhanced moral reasoning.

Aggressors, Victims & Bystanders
Insufficient Evidence

A violence reduction program designed to change beliefs that lead to violent behavior and teach students skills to de-escalate situations that could become violent.

Al’s Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices
Insufficient Evidence

An early childhood curriculum designed to promote pro-social skill development, self-control, positive social interactions, problem-solving, healthy-decision making, and conflict resolution among young children.

All Children Excel (ACE)
Insufficient Evidence

A multi-faceted, multi-agency intervention approach that seeks to promote the healthy development of juvenile offenders under the age of 10 who are at risk for chronic, violent offending later in life.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.