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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1446 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
Ready, Willing, & Able
Insufficient Evidence

A transitional community-based program that aims to reduce crime and recidivism among individuals who were recently released from prison by providing them with housing, an array of social services and trainings, and a transitional job so they can lead independent lives

Reaffirming Young Sisters’ Excellence (RYSE)
Insufficient Evidence

A probation program that seeks to prevent adjudicated girls from re-entering the criminal justice system through promoting prosocial development of social, academic, and vocational competencies that will enable them to live a crime-free and economically secure lifestyle.

REAL Girls
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to improve the resilience of adolescent girls who are dealing with developmental challenges and school-related problems.

Insufficient Evidence

A 6-week cognitive training treatment intended to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders through automated cell phone calls as aftercare.

Reasoning & Rehabilitation Program
Insufficient Evidence

A probation program intended to reduce adult offender recidivism by teaching skills in problem solving, creative thinking, social skills, management of emotions, negotiation skills, values enhancement, and critical reasoning.

Reasoning & Rehabilitation Program + Enhanced Thinking Skills Program
Insufficient Evidence

A multimodal program that aims to reduce offender recidivism by teaching skills to prisoners in problem solving, creative thinking, social skills, management of emotions, negotiation skills, values enhancement, and critical reasoning.

Reducing Youth Access to Alcohol (RYAA)
Insufficient Evidence

A 2-year intervention using a mix of law enforcement and other community-based activities to reduce underage access to alcohol in communities.

Regional Intervention Program (RIP)
Insufficient Evidence

A family counseling program intended to prevent chronic behavioral problems among preschool children with serious behavior and/or developmental concerns through parental involvement in mental health treatment.

Relationship Building Intervention
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to promote positive socio-emotional adjustment and academic achievement among fifth grade children through skill development and peer interaction.

Residential Student Assistance Program
Insufficient Evidence

A counseling program designed to prevent and reduce alcohol and other drug use among high-risk adolescents placed in a residential facility.

Resilience-Based Mental Health Intervention
Insufficient Evidence

A broad-based program intended to improve mental health of students, reduce internalizing and externalizing, and encourage prosocial behavior by strengthening youth resiliency.

Resilient Families
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to prevent early initiation and frequent and heavy use of alcohol and depression among adolescents in middle school.

Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to reduce violent behavior and absentee rates, boost academic achievement and prosocial behavior, and promote intergroup understanding and positive intergroup interaction with a school-wide curriculum.

Insufficient Evidence

A social-emotional learning curriculum that aims to build pro-social behavior and reduce bullying, sexual harassment and violence in adolescents.

Respecting the Circle of Life
Insufficient Evidence

An intensive psychoeducation program for American Indian adolescents to reduce risky sexual behavior and alcohol and drug use.

Responsive Advocacy for Life and Learning in Youth (RALLY)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to improve students’ academic performance and prevent dropout and involve the student’s family and community in his or her academic success.

Responsive Classroom Approach
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to help the development of child social, academic, and self-regulatory skills through using teaching strategies to create a caring and well-managed classroom environment.

Responsive Early Childhood Curriculum
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program aimed at improving responsiveness and quality of teacher-child interactions and classroom activities in order to positively impact children’s social and emotional competence, early literacy, and teacher-child relationships.

Restitution: Boise, Idaho
Insufficient Evidence

A restorative justice program intended to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders through using alternative ways to adjudicate offenses, including monetary restitution or community service restitution as alternative sanctions.

Restitution: Clayton County
Insufficient Evidence

A restorative justice program intended to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders through using alternative ways to adjudicate offenses, including monetary restitution or community service restitution as alternative sanctions.

Restitution: Oklahoma County
Insufficient Evidence

A restorative justice program intended to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders through using alternative ways to adjudicate offenses, including monetary restitution or community service restitution as alternative sanctions.

Restitution: Washington D.C.
Insufficient Evidence

A restorative justice program intended to reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders through using alternative ways to adjudicate offenses, including monetary restitution or community service restitution as alternative sanctions.

Restorative Practices Intervention
Insufficient Evidence

A whole-school intervention designed to build supportive school environments through stronger bonds among leadership, staff, and students.

RETHINK Parenting and Anger Mangement Workshop
Insufficient Evidence

A parent-training program that seeks to prevent child abuse and violence by increasing participants’ knowledge about parenting, child development, and anger management.

Revictimization Prevention for Girls in the Child Welfare System
Insufficient Evidence

A group counseling program that aims to prevent further sexual and physical victimization among girls in the child welfare system using social learning and feminist theory.

RiPP and Best Behavior (Combined Programs)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to reduce student aggression and victimization through social-cognitive therapy to reduce interpersonal violence and whole-school changes to encourage effective discipline.

Risk-Focused Policing at Places (RFPP)
Insufficient Evidence

A policing program that strives to reduce juvenile delinquency through reducing the risk factors associated with delinquency, such as problem behaviors and substance use.

Risk, Need, and Responsivity (Adult Practice)
Insufficient Evidence

The program aims to reduce recidivism by training probation officers to address risk factors for re-offense in a way that is appropriate for an offender’s abilities and motivation and their level of risk for re-offense.

Rock and Water
Insufficient Evidence

A psycho-physical intervention to reduce aggression among adolescents.

Roots of Empathy
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to decrease children’s aggression and facilitate the development of social- emotional understanding and prosocial behaviors through monthly classroom visits with an infant and his/her parent(s) and accompanying lessons from a trained instructor.

Rothlisberger’s Small Group Executive Functioning Intervention
Insufficient Evidence

A preschool-based program aimed at improving early cognitive development by focusing on children’s performance on three executive functioning components: 1) working memory, 2) interference control, and 3) cognitive flexibility.

RULER Approach
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention designed to improve the quality of classroom interactions through professional development, classroom curricula, and emotional literacy instruction.

Sacramento Neighborhood Alcohol Prevention Project (SNAPP)
Insufficient Evidence

An environmental intervention designed to reduce youth and young-adult access to alcohol, risky drinking, and associated problems, particularly in low-income ethnically diverse neighborhoods.

Safe and Civil Schools
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention designed to reduce students’ problem behaviors, such as bullying, in order to improve students’ social and academic outcomes and facilitate positive behavior change.

Safe School Ambassadors
Insufficient Evidence

A student-centered bystander education program that seeks to reduce bullying and enhance school climate.

Safe Touches
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to increase self-protective behavior against child sexual abuse among early elementary aged children.

SafeCare Dad2K
Insufficient Evidence

A behavioral parent training program to reduce child maltreatment among fathers by improving parenting skills.

Safer Cities Programme
Insufficient Evidence

A community-based policing program aims to reduce burglary rates through reducing vulnerability to burglary.

Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention designed to delay the age of onset of alcohol and drug use by enhancing problem solving skills, social skills, and positively impacting drug use intentions.

Sanction Treatment Opportunity Progress (STOP)
Insufficient Evidence

A drug court designed to reduce the increasing backlog of drug cases by encouraging treatment for those charged with first offense drug charges.

Sandhills Vocational Delivery System
Insufficient Evidence

A transitional jail to community program that aims to reduce the rate of reoffense among young property offenders through vocational training and reentry support.

Saving Lives Program
Insufficient Evidence

A multi-strategy intervention designed to reduce alcohol-impaired driving, related driving risks, and traffic deaths and injuries through law enforcement and community cooperation.

School Based Intervention for Teen Mothers
Insufficient Evidence

A teen pregnancy prevention program that uses case management and peer support groups and provides comprehensive medical care.

School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to reduce the harmful consequences of drinking through education, skills training, and small-group support development.

School Transitional Environment Program (STEP)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program intended to address and ease major adolescent life transitions, by increasing the availability of social support to adolescents experiencing this transition as well as reducing the complexities involved in making the transition.

School Violence Prevention Demonstration Program
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based intervention designed to increase students’ civic knowledge, sense of civic responsibility, tolerance for other’s ideas, and respect for authority and law by incorporating violence prevention strategies into a required classroom civic education curriculum.

School-Based Health Centers (School Dropout)
Insufficient Evidence

A quasi-experimental evaluation to determine if school-based health centers impact the likelihood of dropping out of high school.

School-Based Health Centers (Substance Abuse)
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program designed to disrupt the development of substance abuse and other poverty-related mental/physical health problems, by providing affordable, adequate, and consistent mental/physical health care.

School-Based Intervention for Cyberbullying
Insufficient Evidence

A whole-school awareness-raising program designed to reduce and prevent cyberbullying among adolescents by addressing moral disengagement, empathy, and attitudes towards bullying.

School-Based Kripalu Yoga
Insufficient Evidence

A school-based program that aims to develop coping skills and resilience, reduce stress, and improve well-being through a school-based yoga program.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.