Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
SMART Kids, SMART Teachers, SMART Parents |
Inconclusive Evidence | A small-group prevention program designed to reduce risk factors predictive of later substance abuse and enhance protective factors shown to buffer risk. |
SMART Moves (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) – Start SMART, Stay SMART, SMART Leaders |
Insufficient Evidence | A life-skills training program designed to teach youth social and personal competence skills, identify and resist peer and social pressures to use drugs, and prevent onset of early sexual activity. |
SMART Team (Students Managing Anger & Resolution Together) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program intended to decrease violent behavior in adolescents using dispute resolution, anger management, and perspective-taking techniques. |
SMART-in-Education (Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to increase the sense of efficacy and well-being of parents and teachers, and improve the quality of their relationships with their children, by facilitating their emotion regulation and problem solving through a mindfulness training program. |
Smartphone App to Reduce Drinking |
Under Review | A program to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among college students through the use of a smartphone app. |
Smile Project (SP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A classroom-based social skills training program that aims to reduce depression symptoms by encouraging social skills and peer support. |
Smoke-free Kids |
Inconclusive Evidence | A home-based smoking prevention program designed for elementary school-aged children. |
SmokeFree Sports (SFS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A sport-for-health program that seeks to reduce later cigarette use among 9-10 year olds by increasing non-smoking intentions and refusal self-efficacy cognitions using coached sports classes, focus groups, and a school-wide assembly with a non-smoking sports star. |
Smoking Cessation Mass Media Intervention |
Insufficient Evidence | A school and mass media program designed to decrease smoking among adolescents through awareness raising, teaching refusal skills, and peer support. |
Smoking Prevention Programs (Dutch) |
Insufficient Evidence | An in-school and computer-based program intended to reduce smoking prevalence among adolescents through enrollment in a smoking prevention intervention that focuses on developing social skills (to resist social influences to smoke) and improving students’ cigarette refusal capacity. |
SNAP (Stop Now and Plan) Girls |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral program intended to reduce anti-social aggressive and externalizing behaviors among young girls by focusing on skill development, social problem solving emotion regulation, assertiveness, and anger management. |
SNaX |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-wide environmental intervention designed to reduce BMI among teaching middle school students by teaching skills and healthier habits that apply across difference contexts (school, home, community). |
Sobre Canyes I Petes |
Insufficient Evidence | A universal, school-based program designed to prevent adolescents from progressing from non-use or ever use to regular use of cannabis through provision of information, refusal skills training, and discussion of risks and consequences. |
Soccer for Success |
Insufficient Evidence | The program aims to reduce child obesity by engaging children in physical activity, nutrition education, mentorship, and family engagement through participating in soccer. |
Social Aggression Prevention Program (SAPP) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program intended to reduce social aggression and increase empathy, social problem solving, and prosocial behaviors through small support groups. |
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to increase social and emotional wellbeing by decreasing internalizing and externalizing behaviors through a schoolwide educational program for adolescents. |
Social and Emotional Training (SET)- Sweden |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to use social and emotional learning to decrease the use of drugs, volatile substances, alcohol and tobacco through teacher instruction. |
Social Competence Promotion Program for Young Adolescents (SCPP-YA) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based intervention designed to prevent antisocial behavior in young adolescents by enhancing their capacity to coordinate interrelated cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills so they effectively handle developmentally relevant social tasks. |
Social Networking Safety Promotion and Cyberbullying Prevention |
Insufficient Evidence | A 45-minute presentation intended to prevent cyberbullying and improve social network safety by informing middle school students of the dangers of social networking and the negative effects of cyberbullying. |
Social Reintegration Parole Program (Practice) |
Insufficient Evidence | A social reintegration probation program designed for drug-related offenders to reduce recidivism and drug relapse rates through prosocial interaction with community volunteers and regular meetings with parole officers. |
Social Skills Group Intervention (S.S.GRIN) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based, group therapy program designed to improve at-risk children’s (highly disliked, socially anxious and bullied) school-based adjustment, which includes improved depression, anxiety, social acceptance, social interactions, social self-perceptions, and self-esteem. |
Social Skills Improvement System-Classwide Intervention Program (SSIS-CIP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A teacher-delivered program that aims to improve social-emotional skills and academic readiness behaviors in young children through classroom-based instruction. |
Social Support with Drug Testing |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based treatment combining drug testing and social support to prevent relapse among newly paroled drug-abusing offenders. |
Socio-Moral Reasoning Development Program |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based, small group intervention designed to reduce antisocial and delinquent behavior in adolescent youth by increasing moral reasoning and development. |
SODAS City |
Insufficient Evidence | A small group intervention intended to reduce alcohol use among youth through instruction and skills practice. |
Solve It! |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based intervention designed to improve math problem solving by building thinking strategies through comprehension, visual representation, and planning. |
SOS: Signs of Suicide (Suicide Prevention Program) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program that aims to reduce suicidal behavior among adolescents by increasing students’ understanding and recognition of depressive symptoms in themselves and others. |
Sources of Strength Suicide Prevention Program |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based suicide prevention program that aims to enhance protective factors among peer leaders trained to conduct schoolwide messaging and among the full population of high school students. |
South Dakota 24-7 Sobriety Project |
Insufficient Evidence | A probation program designed to reduce drunk driving through twice-a-day breathalyzer tests. |
Not Dissemination Ready | An early-grade family-school-community partnership model that uses one-on-one tutoring and family engagement strategies across two school years to improve students’ reading and literacy skills and school attendance. |
SPARK Ohio |
Insufficient Evidence | A home-based early childhood intervention designed to improve school readiness among at risk children aged 3-6 by fostering engaged learning among both parents and children. |
SPARX (Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-Factor thoughts) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive behavioral program that aims to reduce depressive symptoms in adolescents suffering from clinically significant depression using a computerized fantasy role-play game, which helps improve mood and challenge negative thought patterns. |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral program that aims to prevent the development or exacerbation of depressive symptoms using a computer-based, fantasy role-playing game. |
Spatial Temporal (ST) Math |
Insufficient Evidence | A supplemental mathematics software program designed to improve students’ performance in mathematics. |
Spectrum Wilderness Program |
Insufficient Evidence | An alternative justice program designed to reduce arrest and/or incarceration and preventing or reducing delinquency though a wilderness stress challenge. |
SpellRead |
Not Dissemination Ready | A comprehensive reading intervention for struggling readers in grades 3 and 5 that integrates the five essential elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness (sound processing), phonics (sound-letter relationships), fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. |
Spiritual Education Program (SEP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based spiritual intervention deisgned to enhance social interaction skills and reduce social anxieties among introverted children. |
Spit Tobacco Intervention (STI) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program intended to promote spit tobacco cessation and reduce initiation of spit tobacco use through peer support and dental education. |
SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness Parent Flyers (Postcards) |
Insufficient Evidence | A mail-based program that aims to reduce adolescent alcohol and drug use by sending three postcards to parents with information and encouragement to talk to their teens about health and fitness. |
Sport-2-Stay-Fit |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to increase participation in sports and physical activity among children and adolescents with physical disabilities. |
Sports and Moral Character (Truancy Intervention) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve school attendance and eliminate acts of truancy through the use of character education, daily phone calls and club sports. |
Spotlight Serious Offender Services Unit (Intensive supervision probation) |
Inconclusive Evidence | An intensive supervision probation program designed to reduce gang involvement and recidivism in high-risk youth gang members through a mentorship component in addition to the traditional strategies of surveillance and treatment. |
Start for Life |
Inconclusive Evidence | A teacher-delivered program intended to reduce the risk of obesity among preschool children through structured physical activities. |
Start Making a Reader Today (SMART) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve reading achievement of students in the early grades who are at risk of reading failure, and reduce special education placement of these students in later years through one-on-one tutoring. |
Start Strong |
Insufficient Evidence | A multicomponent initiative designed to reduce teen dating violence by focusing on teaching middle school students a variety of skills that promote healthy relationships through community and school environmental changes. |
Start Taking Alcohol Risks Seriously (STARS) for Families |
Inconclusive Evidence | A health promotion program designed to reduce youth alcohol and drug use by utilizing family and primary health care providers to match prevention content to specific risk levels of alcohol and other drug initiation, use and abuse. |
Starting Early Starting Smart (SESS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A mental health program intended to provide integrated behavioral health services (mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment) for young children and their families. |
Starting Strong |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to increase students’ readiness for kindergarten and reduce the incidence of disruptive classroom behaviors through improving the parent-teacher and student-teacher relationships. |
Stay Cool Kids |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to reduce externalizing and aggressive behavior in aggressive children at elementary schools and to prevent the development of disruptive behavior disorders. |
Stay on Track |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to reduce drug use among sixth through eighth graders by helping students assess the risk associated with substance abuse, enhancing their decision-making and social skills, strengthening anti-drug beliefs and attitudes and reducing substance abuse. |