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Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria

More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.

In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.

Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.

All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.

Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.

The non-certified programs are as follows:

1446 Programs
Program Rating Brief Description
School-Based Pediatric Obesity Prevention Facilitated by Health Professionals
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program designed to slow the rate of weight gain and promote healthful behaviors in elementary school children.

School-to-Jobs (STJ)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program intended to improve academic achievement for minority and low socioeconomic status youth through improving academic confidence and teaching skills.

School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)
Inconclusive Evidence

A comprehensive school-wide intervention that aims to decrease existing disruptive behaviors displayed by students in the classroom, prevent future incidents, and maximize student learning through discipline, conflict resolution, one-on-one tutoring, and family management.

Schools and Homes in Partnership (SHIP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A comprehensive school-based intervention designed to decrease children’s aggressive behavior and reading difficulties during early elementary school years through parent training, social behavior interventions, and supplemental reading instruction.

Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley (SFAW) Mathematics
Inconclusive Evidence

A teacher instruction intervention intended to increase the math achievement of pre-kindergarten through sixth grade children.

Seattle Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD)
Inconclusive Evidence

A pre-booking diversion program that aims to reduce recidivism by providing individuals suspected of low-level drug and prostitution offenses with legal assistance and case management instead of prosecution and incarceration.

Second Chance Act Adult Demonstration Programs
Inconclusive Evidence

A re-entry program that intends to reduce recidivism post-release by providing social services to incarcerated and recently paroled offenders.

Second Step Early Learning
Inconclusive Evidence

A preschool-based school readiness curriculum developed to increase social emotional and executive functioning skills.

Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention (SS-SSTP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A classroom curriculum intended to reduce aggression, violence, and victimization in a school setting through teaching empathy, communication, and bullying prevention.

Seeking Safety
Inconclusive Evidence

A psychotherapy program designed to treat combined diagnoses of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder (SUD), and to improve pyschosocial functioning of participants.

Self-Regulation Empowerment Program (SREP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program designed to improve the mathematics skills of at-risk middle school students through small group meetings . The program is carried out during school hours in small group meetings that focus on developing students’ strategic thinking and actions.

Self-Regulation Intervention
Inconclusive Evidence

A preschool-based program that aims to improve academic performance by increasing self-regulation skills among preschool children through brief playgroups.

Self-Sufficiency Project (SSP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A work-incentive program intended to facilitate healthy development in children through encouraging stable employment among single parents receiving income assistance by supplementing their earnings to a standard amount.

Sexual Risk-Reduction Intervention plus Alcohol and Cannabis Content
Inconclusive Evidence

A correctional facility-based intervention intended to reduce STI incidence and sexual risk behaviors among juvenile offenders through a single group session that focuses on changing attitudes about risk, alcohol, and cannabis.

Shifting Boundaries
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to prevent dating violence and sexual harassment through teaching the importance of determining and articulating personal boundaries among middle school students, while also fostering a protective school environment.

SMART Kids, SMART Teachers, SMART Parents
Inconclusive Evidence

A small-group prevention program designed to reduce risk factors predictive of later substance abuse and enhance protective factors shown to buffer risk.

Smoke-free Kids
Inconclusive Evidence

A home-based smoking prevention program designed for elementary school-aged children.

SNAP (Stop Now and Plan) Girls
Inconclusive Evidence

A cognitive-behavioral program intended to reduce anti-social aggressive and externalizing behaviors among young girls by focusing on skill development, social problem solving emotion regulation, assertiveness, and anger management.

Inconclusive Evidence

A school-wide environmental intervention designed to reduce BMI among teaching middle school students by teaching skills and healthier habits that apply across difference contexts (school, home, community).

Social Aggression Prevention Program (SAPP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program intended to reduce social aggression and increase empathy, social problem solving, and prosocial behaviors through small support groups.

Social Skills Group Intervention (S.S.GRIN)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based, group therapy program designed to improve at-risk children’s (highly disliked, socially anxious and bullied) school-based adjustment, which includes improved depression, anxiety, social acceptance, social interactions, social self-perceptions, and self-esteem.

Socio-Moral Reasoning Development Program
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based, small group intervention designed to reduce antisocial and delinquent behavior in adolescent youth by increasing moral reasoning and development.

Solve It!
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based intervention designed to improve math problem solving by building thinking strategies through comprehension, visual representation, and planning.

SOS: Signs of Suicide (Suicide Prevention Program)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to reduce suicidal behavior among adolescents by increasing students’ understanding and recognition of depressive symptoms in themselves and others.

SPARX (Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-Factor thoughts)
Inconclusive Evidence

A cognitive behavioral program that aims to reduce depressive symptoms in adolescents suffering from clinically significant depression using a computerized fantasy role-play game, which helps improve mood and challenge negative thought patterns.

Inconclusive Evidence

A cognitive-behavioral program that aims to prevent the development or exacerbation of depressive symptoms using a computer-based, fantasy role-playing game.

Spit Tobacco Intervention (STI)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program intended to promote spit tobacco cessation and reduce initiation of spit tobacco use through peer support and dental education.

Sports and Moral Character (Truancy Intervention)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program designed to improve school attendance and eliminate acts of truancy through the use of character education, daily phone calls and club sports.

Spotlight Serious Offender Services Unit (Intensive supervision probation)
Inconclusive Evidence

An intensive supervision probation program designed to reduce gang involvement and recidivism in high-risk youth gang members through a mentorship component in addition to the traditional strategies of surveillance and treatment.

Start for Life
Inconclusive Evidence

A teacher-delivered program intended to reduce the risk of obesity among preschool children through structured physical activities.

Start Making a Reader Today (SMART)
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program designed to improve reading achievement of students in the early grades who are at risk of reading failure, and reduce special education placement of these students in later years through one-on-one tutoring.

Start Taking Alcohol Risks Seriously (STARS) for Families
Inconclusive Evidence

A health promotion program designed to reduce youth alcohol and drug use by utilizing family and primary health care providers to match prevention content to specific risk levels of alcohol and other drug initiation, use and abuse.

Stay the Course
Inconclusive Evidence

A mentoring and counseling program designed to help community college students overcome non-academic obstacles and persist in reaching their goals for advanced education.

Staying Connected with Your Teen (formerly Parents Who Care)
Inconclusive Evidence

A parent-training program designed to prevent problem behaviors among teens, such as substance abuse, violence, delinquency and early initiation of sexual behavior, by helping parents acquire or improve a variety of key parenting skills and techniques.

Staying Healthy – Asthma Responsible and Prepared (SHARP)
Inconclusive Evidence

SHARP is a health education and counseling program to help fourth- to seventh-grade students (9-13 year-olds) who have asthma to live with and manage their asthma.

Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program (STAMPP)
Inconclusive Evidence

A classroom-based alcohol prevention program, coupled with a brief parental component, that aims to reduce heavy episodic drinking and alcohol-related harms in adolescents.

Stop School Bullying
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based workshop program that aims to reduce bullying using a holistic approach to changing attitudes and behaviors in the school.

Strategic Reading Instruction (SRI)
Inconclusive Evidence

A teacher-modeled reading intervention designed to create independent self-regulated readers who are capable of applying appropriate reading strategies in various contexts.

Strengthening Families
Inconclusive Evidence

A parent-training program intended to reduce children’s risk factors associated with substance use and delinquency by improving parenting skills among parents with substance abuse problems.

Stress Inoculation Training
Inconclusive Evidence

A cognitive counseling program that aims to help adolescents cope with stress, while producing reductions in anxiety, depression and anger as well as increases in self-esteem.

Inconclusive Evidence

A computer-based cognitive behavioral training program that aims to treat depressive symptoms in adolescents.

Student Bodies (StayingFit)
Inconclusive Evidence

An internet-based cognitive-behavioral program intended to help normal and overweight adolescents reduce binge eating, maintain or lose weight, increase healthy eating, increase physical activity, and develop healthy body image.

Student Success Skills
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to improve learning skills and academic achievement among students through a structured classroom guidance component and a small group counseling component.

Supplemental Classwide Math Intervention
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program to improve mathematics proficiency, including accuracy and speed in calculations, through supplemental fluency-building activities delivered in regular classes to fourth- and fifth-grade students.

Support for Students Exposed to Trauma (SSET)
Inconclusive Evidence

A multi-session group program that aims to reduce post-traumatic and depressive symptoms and improve functioning of middle school youth who have been exposed to traumatic events.

Support to Reunite, Involve and Value Each Other (STRIVE)
Inconclusive Evidence

A short family intervention designed to reduce sexual risk behavior, drug use, and delinquent behaviors among newly homeless youth by reducing family conflict, improving family problem-solving skills, and teaching conflict resolution skills.

Supporting Teens’ Academic Needs Daily (STAND)
Inconclusive Evidence

A family counseling program that seeks to improve academic performance and decrease conduct problems among adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder by teaching parents and children to work together to correct problem behavior, monitor success, and reward good performance.

Switch-on Reading
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that seeks to achieve functional literacy, develop independent active readers, and close the reading achievement gap for vulnerable children performing below age-expected levels.

Synchronized Movement
Inconclusive Evidence

A school-based program that aims to improve social-cognitive skills and promote cooperation in children by using synchronous movements and shared temporal experiences.

Tailored Package for Child Obesity
Inconclusive Evidence

A family counseling program designed to reduce child obesity by motivating parents to change children’s diets and activity levels.


Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
University of Colorado Boulder
Institute of Behavioral Science
UCB 483, Boulder, CO 80309


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Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development is
currently funded by Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation) and historically has received funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.