Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
Collaborative Care for Injured Adolescents |
Insufficient Evidence | A collaborative care program designed to reduce violence, alcohol and drug use, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression among adolescents. |
Collaborative Life Skills (CLS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A skills-training program that aims to lessen the severity of students’ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms by integrating school, parent, and student treatments delivered by school-based mental health providers. |
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A therapeutic program designed to reduce aggressive and oppositional behavior among children through problem-solving and conflict resolution. |
College Forward |
Inconclusive Evidence | A comprehensive college advising program that aims to improve the postsecondary educational outcomes of economically-disadvantaged students. |
Combined Dietary and Exercise Program for Children (CDEPC) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral intervention that aims to improve BMI, body composition, fitness, and serum lipid levels among obese children and adolescents. |
Comer School Development Program |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to create a positive, supportive, and wholesome school climate devoid of interpersonal violence. The program also aims to promote and support children’s development in six interrelated domains: physical, language, ethical, social, psychological, and academic. |
Comet (Communication Method) |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent-training program that aims to reduce disruptive and aggressive child behaviors while improving child-parent interactions. |
Commit To Quit |
Inconclusive Evidence | A multi-session program designed to promote smoking cessation among sedentary women through cognitive-behavioral training and vigorous physical exercise. |
Common Ground |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program designed to reduce underage alcohol use, alcohol-impaired driving, and excessive drinking among college students using environmentally-focused prevention strategies. |
Communities in Schools (CIS) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A dropout prevention program that is continuously adapted to meet the unique needs of particular schools and aims to promote academic performance by providing a community of support for students. |
Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol |
Inconclusive Evidence | A community-based organizing effort that aims to: 1) decrease the number of peers, merchants, and other adults providing alcohol to underage youth; 2) decrease the use of alcohol by adolescents; 3) activate communities to change local public policies and practices of major community institutions to decrease alcohol use; 4) communicate a clear social norm in the community that underage drinking is unacceptable; and 5) maintain and enforce institutional and public policies to reduce alcohol sales to youth. |
Community Action Program for Children |
Insufficient Evidence | Multidimensional, community-based healthcare and welfare services for families of at-risk young children in Canada. |
Community and Law Enforcement Resources Together (ComALERT) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A community-based program designed to reduce recidivism through a comprehensive transition-focused approach to reintegration and rehabilitation for recent parolees. |
Community as Classroom |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to increase student motivation and engagement that, in turn, leads to improved academic and behavioral outcomes. |
Community Family Court |
Insufficient Evidence | A juvenile justice program that aims to: 1) increase public safety; 2) increase family protection and safety; 3) improve family functioning and self-sufficiency; and 4) enhance system collaboration and service integration. |
Community Health Access Project (CHAP) |
Insufficient Evidence | A home-based program that aims to improve the likelihood of a healthy gestation and birth by locating at-risk pregnant women and connecting them to appropriate health and social services. |
Community Mothers |
Inconclusive Evidence | A parent-training program that utilizes experienced volunteer mothers in disadvantaged areas to provide support and encouragement to first-time parents. |
Community Parent Education Program (COPE) |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based parent education program that aims to provide parents with strategies to manage their child’s behavioral problems. |
Community Programming Initiative |
Insufficient Evidence | A social norms and bystander intervention program that aims to reduce sexual assault on college campuses and change norms surrounding sexually aggressive behaviors. |
Community Restitution Apprenticeship-Focused Training (CRAFT) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A community-based program designed to provide vocational training and job opportunities in the home construction industry to delinquent young adults as a means to increase education and employment and reduce substance abuse, mental health problems, and criminal activity. |
Community Trials Intervention to Reduce High-Risk Drinking (RHRD) |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program designed to reduce alcohol-related accidental injuries and death by instituting a comprehensive program of environmental prevention activities and policy changes. |
Community Violence Project |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based mentoring program that aims to reduce at least one of the three risk factors that were used to identify eligible participants: number of unexcused school absences, number of school suspensions, and number of criminal infractions committed on school property. |
Community-Based College Preparation Program |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program that aims to provide year-round academic support for disadvantaged children and teenagers to facilitate their transition to college. |
Competencias para adolescentes con una sexualidad saludable (COMPAS) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors among adolescents. |
Comprehension Circuit Training |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-component reading intervention designed to promote reading comprehension. |
Comprehension Circuit Training (Electronic Delivery Format) |
Not Dissemination Ready | A multi-component reading intervention translated to electronic-tablet delivery format and designed to accelerate foundational reading skills and reading comprehension. |
Comprehensive Child Development Program |
Insufficient Evidence | Need content to fill out |
Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children & Their Families |
Insufficient Evidence | A mental health services program designed to build innovative home and community systems of care for families of children with serious emotional disturbances and generate new knowledge about the most effective ways to meet the needs of these children. |
Comprehensive Gang Strategy (formerly Little Village Gang Violence Reduction Project) |
Insufficient Evidence | An inter-organizational community-based program that aims to reduce violence among highly-involved (“hard-core”) adolescent gang members. |
Comprehensive Teen Pregnancy Prevention |
Insufficient Evidence | A pregnancy prevention program that aims to reduce the rate of teen births by providing comprehensive pregnancy prevention education. |
Computeen |
Inconclusive Evidence | A computer curriculum that aims to promote a positive ethnic identity, understanding of educational options, the ability to cope with community violence, and social-problem skills among low-SES, minority adolescents by integrating practical technology skills with psychoeducation and psychosocial skills. |
Computer Mediated Intervention |
Insufficient Evidence | A computer-based intervention designed to prevent drug abuse and violence among economically disadvantaged high-risk youth. |
Computer-assisted Motivational Intervention (CAMI) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A sexual risk behavior program that aims to reduce the prevalence and risk of unprotected sexual intercourse. |
Confident Kids Program (for Anxious Adolescent Boys who are Bullied at School) |
Insufficient Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral program that aims to reduce the incidence of young males being bullied, distress associated with bullying incidences, self-reported depression and anxiety, and use of maladaptive coping strategies. |
Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation in Middle Schools |
Insufficient Evidence | Need content to fill out |
Conflict Resolution Training |
Insufficient Evidence | Need content to fill out |
Conflict Resolution Unlimited |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve academic performance by teaching interpersonal conflict resolution concepts and strategies that can be directly applied across the academic curriculum to various content areas. |
Conjoint Behavioral Consultation |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent- and teacher-training program that aims to improve socio-emotional and behavioral problems among children by establishing a problem-solving partnership between parents and teachers. |
Connect for Health |
Insufficient Evidence | A parent-training program that aims to improve childhood obesity through direct health coaching. |
Connect Program |
Insufficient Evidence | An attachment-focused parent-training program designed to prevent antisocial and violent behavior, externalizing, and early substance use among children by promoting healthy attachment between parents and children. |
Connecting |
Inconclusive Evidence | A low-cost, self-directed, self-paced family-based prevention program for foster families with youth placed in their care by state child welfare agencies. |
Connections |
Insufficient Evidence | A community-based program designed to address the needs of juvenile offenders with emotional and behavioral disorders and their families, aiming at reducing the risk of recidivism and increasing public safety. |
Connections (Early Vocabulary Connections: First Words to Know and Decode) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based vocabulary program that aims to improve vocabulary knowledge and decoding skills among kindergarten English learners. |
ConRed — The Knowing, Building, and Living Together on the Internet Program [Conocer, Construir y Convivr en la Red] |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to reduce cyber-bullying by actively focusing on bystanders, victims, bullies, and bully/victims. |
Consistency Management and Cooperative Discipline (CMCD) |
Insufficient Evidence | A research-based, classroom-tested model designed to create a disciplined but caring and respectful environment that allows students to focus on learning. |
Conversation-Based Nursery School Intervention |
Insufficient Evidence | A conversation-based intervention that aims to promote socio-emotional skills and prosocial behavior among toddlers. |
Cool and Safe |
Insufficient Evidence | An online training program that aims to provide children with the necessary knowledge and strategies to report and prevent instances of sexual abuse. |
Cool Teens |
Inconclusive Evidence | A computerized cognitive-behavioral program for adolescents that aims to reduce: 1) negative automatic thoughts; 2) anxiety symptoms; 2) the number of diagnosable anxiety disorders; and 4) the degree to which anxiety interferes with daily life. |
Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC; now known as Reading Wings) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based curriculum that aims to promote reading and writing skills among elementary school children through an emphasis on cooperative learning. |
Coordinated Approach to Child Health – Early Childhood (CATCH-EC) |
Insufficient Evidence | This preschool-based healthy lifestyle promotion program aims to reduce obesity in young children by developing habits of eating healthy foods and engaging in physical activity at both preschool and home. |