Programs That Have Not Met Blueprints Criteria
More than 90 percent of interventions we review do not receive Blueprints certification. Supported through funding from Arnold Ventures, Blueprints has extended its classification system to provide an evidence rating for interventions that fail to meet Blueprints certification standards. In providing descriptive information on common problems that disqualify interventions from Blueprints certification, we hope to offer concrete ways moving forward that will improve the methods and analyses employed in future program evaluation efforts.
In addition to rating the certified interventions that meet Blueprints criteria, non-certified interventions are also rated based on whether they have inconclusive or insufficient evidence.
Non-certified interventions are generally reviewed and rated internally by Blueprints staff, though the advisory board may also conclude an intervention they have reviewed lacked evidence for certification despite having made it through the internal review process.
All non-certified programs in our database are provided a rating based on specific review rationale.
Blueprints uses one additional and quite different category for non-certification. "Not Dissemination Ready" refers to programs that meet Blueprints criteria for the strength of evidence but are not ready for adoption by users.
The non-certified programs are as follows:
1446 Programs
Brief Description | ||
Descubriendo la Lectura |
Not Dissemination Ready | A school-based tutoring program designed to improve the literacy skills of bilingual Hispanic first-grade students who have extreme difficulty learning to read and write in bilingual classrooms. The program is the reconstruction of Reading Recovery in Spanish. |
Detention Diversion Advocacy Project |
Insufficient Evidence | A diversion program designed to reduce the number of youths in court ordered detention by diverting them into community-based supervisory programs. The program also aims to integrate services across a cluster or organizations in order to ensure continuity of care and development of client skills for youths identified as most likely to be detained at a juvenile detention center. |
Developing Collaboration and Consultation Skills |
Inconclusive Evidence | Professional development training for English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers that aims to increase the language development and literacy of English language learners. |
Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Case Management (DBT-CM) |
Insufficient Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral program designed to promote drug and alcohol abstinence in homeless, recently incarcerated female offenders by using dialectical thinking to reshape maladaptive behavioral patterns. |
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for College Students (DBT) |
Inconclusive Evidence | An outpatient program designed to reduce suicidality and depression and enhance global functioning among suicidal college students. |
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program (DBT) |
Insufficient Evidence | A cognitive-behavioral program designed to help patients reduce their self-destructive, impulsive, and aggressive behaviors through the use of skills training, problem-solving, and validation. |
Dialogic Reading |
Inconclusive Evidence | A skills training program that aims to improve pre-literacy skills among low-income preschoolers. |
Disarming the Playground |
Insufficient Evidence | A movement therapy program that aims to reduce violent and aggressive behaviors in schools by promoting personal and emotional efficacy. |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based, one-day cognitive-behavioral training workshop to improve adolescent mental health. |
Discovery Curriculum (at Centennial High School) |
Insufficient Evidence | Need content to fill out |
Dissonance-Based Intervention for Body Image Problems |
Inconclusive Evidence | A set of multi-session group interventions based on the principles of cognitive dissonance that aim to promote a more positive body image and prevent eating disorders among diverse groups of women, men, athletes, and gays in high school and college. |
Diversion: Juvenile Accountability Program & Youth Court Program |
Insufficient Evidence | A diversion program that aims to reduce recidivism rates and any further involvement with the juvenile justice system by treating youth through community diversion. |
Dog Training Program |
Insufficient Evidence | Prison-based programs designed to help offenders abstain from criminal behavior, and thus reduce disciplinary infractions and recidivism and increase post-release employment, by providing incarcerated inmates with opportunities to train, care for, and socialize dogs. |
Doing Anger Differently |
Inconclusive Evidence | A group-based program that aims to reduce and prevent reactive aggression among adolescent males. |
Domestic Violence Unit |
Inconclusive Evidence | A transitional program that aims to reduce domestic violence through intensive investigation and victim assistance. |
Dominique’s Handy Tricks |
Inconclusive Evidence | School-based workshops designed to decrease symptoms of phobic fear and anxiety and defend against the development of anxiety disorders by promoting protective factors such as coping skills and perceived self-efficacy. |
Doodle Den |
Inconclusive Evidence | An after-school literacy program that aims to promote children’s regular school attendance, engagement in learning outside of school, and overall literacy skills by improving children’s confidence and the home environment. |
dot b Mindfulness |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to promote well-being in young adolescents through weekly sessions delivered by mindfulness practitioners and teachers in a regular classroom setting. |
Doubles |
Insufficient Evidence | A substance abuse education curriculum that seeks to teach third and fourth grade students about the science of drug addiction and influence their attitudes toward drugs and alcohol. |
Dove Confident Me: Single Session |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve early adolescents’ body image through a single 90-minute lesson. |
Drama Group Therapy |
Insufficient Evidence | A group-based intervention designed to improve interpersonal competencies and academic achievement and reduce emotional and behavioral problems among teacher-identified at-risk students. |
Drama programs for bullying prevention |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program that aims to reduce bullying through improvements in social and emotional well-being at the classroom level. |
Draw the Line/Respect the Line |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors and prevent HIV/STDs and pregnancy among middle school adolescents by assisting students in developing personal sexual limits and the skills necessary to maintain those limits when challenged. |
DreamBox Learning |
Inconclusive Evidence | A computer-based program designed to help elementary school students master key mathematics concepts, increase mathematical achievement, and accelerate overall student learning. |
Drug Court: Anchorage |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-faceted treatment approach that aims to break the cycle of recidivism and substance abuse among drug offenders by directly targeting drug use while simultaneously encouraging independence and positive, self-sustaining behaviors. |
Drug Court: Anchorage DUI |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-faceted treatment approach that aims to break the cycle of recidivism and substance abuse among felony DUI offenders by directly targeting alcohol use while simultaneously encouraging independence and positive, self-sustaining behaviors. |
Drug Court: Bethel Therapeutic |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-faced treatment approach that aims to break the cycle of recidivism and substance abuse among chronic misdemeanor and felony offenders by directly targeting alcohol and other drug use while simultaneously encouraging independence and positive, self-sustaining behaviors. |
Drug Court: Chester County |
Inconclusive Evidence | A transitional program that aims to reduce recidivism and substance abuse among drug-involved offenders through the use of drug treatment courts that focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment and encourage greater collaboration between the defense, prosecution, and treatment team than is usual. |
Drug Court: Dane County |
Inconclusive Evidence | A transitional program that aims to reduce recidivism among drug-involved offenders by avoiding traditional courts and instead utilizing drug treatment courts, which focus on identifying and treating the underlying causes of criminal behavior, such as substance dependence or anger management issues. |
Drug Court: DWI |
Inconclusive Evidence | A transitional program that aims to reduce recidivism among offenders with driving while intoxicated (DWI) convictions by allowing for rehabilitation and treatment in an outpatient setting, rather than in a jail setting. |
Drug Court: Hybrid with DUI |
Insufficient Evidence | A hybrid transitional program that aims to reduce recidivism and substance abuse among offenders with driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) convictions by tailoring treatment services to and offender’s severity of addiction. |
Drug Court: Judicial Status Hearings |
Insufficient Evidence | A judicial supervision program that aims to provide children criminal offenders with: an opportunity to be clean and sober; constructive support to aid in resisting further criminal activity; support to perform well in school and develop positive relationships in the community; and skills that will aid in leading productive substance- and crime-free lives. |
Drug Court: Maricopa County (Youth) |
Insufficient Evidence | A correctional program designed to reduce drug use and recidivism among youth by closely monitoring each participant through frequent court appearances, home visits, formal supervision, treatment services, and random drug testing. Additional program goals include promoting family support systems to provide supervision and support to youth after termination of involvement of the court, as well as helping youth develop positive relationships within the community. |
Drug Court: Maricopa County First Time Drug Offender (Adult) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A transitional program that aims to: 1) decrease substance use and recidivism by increasing the availability of treatment for probationers; 2) increase the accountability of offenders by providing a more structured system of supervision and sanctions; and 3) reduce system overcrowding. |
Drug Court: Multisite Adult |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-site adult crime prevention program that aims to reduce drug-related crime and prevent future illicit drug use among offenders with drug convictions by providing individualized treatment and rewarding abstinence through the use of collaborative, non-adversarial court processing. |
Drug Court: Multisite Juvenile |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-site juvenile transitional program that aims to break the cycle of recidivism, particularly with respect to alcohol- and drug-related offenses, among young offenders through group treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and reduced sanctions as a result of good behavior and positive progress. |
Drug Court: Tarrant County |
Inconclusive Evidence | A multi-faceted treatment approach that aims to break the cycle of recidivism and substance abuse among minor drug offenders by directly targeting drug use and criminal behavior while simultaneously encouraging their participation in the broader community. |
Drug Education in Victorian Schools (DEVS) |
Inconclusive Evidence | A drug education program that aims to reduce tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use by emphasizing harm reduction and abstinence. Secondary goals include increasing knowledge of the harmful effects of substances and communication with parents while decreasing substance-favoring attitudes. |
Drug Prevention with Youth |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-session program designed to provide information and assistance to homeless shelter clients in an effort to help them develop the skills to understand their own and others’ drug problems. |
Drug Use Prevention for Sexual Minority Youth |
Inconclusive Evidence | A computer-based program designed to prevent substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use, among sexual minority youth. |
Dual Enrollment |
Inconclusive Evidence | A college readiness strategy for increasing postsecondary participation and completion rates. The term dual enrollment, also known as dual credit and concurrent enrollment, refers to the broad array of programs available to high school students that allow them to enroll in college-level coursework and simultaneously earn high school and college credit. |
Duluth Model for Domestic Violence Offenders |
Inconclusive Evidence | A prison-based curriculum intended to prevent repeat arrests for domestic violence offenders. |
Dutch Inpatient Sex Offender Treatment |
Insufficient Evidence | A high-intensity, inpatient treatment program designed to reduce sexual and violent recidivism among Dutch sex offenders. |
Dutch National Campaign for School Safety |
Insufficient Evidence | A school- and community-based program that aims to reduce bullying and violence and improve overall school safety among Finnish schools through various strategies implemented locally and/or nationally. |
Dutch Obesity Intervention in Teenagers |
Inconclusive Evidence | A multi-component health promotion program that aims to prevent excessive weight gain in teenagers by increasing awareness of and inducing behavioral changes surrounding energy intake and energy output. |
Dutch/Russian Program (Galperin) |
Insufficient Evidence | A school-based program designed to increase the accuracy of students’ perceptions of the moral atmosphere within their school. |
Dyadic Literacy Learning with Executive Functions Support |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program intended to increase early phonological awareness and letter recognition skills in kindergarten children. |
e-LifeSkills Training (e-LST) Middle School |
Inconclusive Evidence | A hybrid digital prevention program that aims to prevent teenage substance use by increasing student health knowledge, skills knowledge, and life skills. |
Earlscourt Girls’ Connection |
Insufficient Evidence | A multi-component program that aims to treat aggressive and anti-social behavior in girls by teaching them and their parents effective anger management and other social skills along with teaching the parents effective parenting skills. |
Earlscourt Social Skills Group Program |
Inconclusive Evidence | A school-based program designed to improve prosocial behavior, self-control and social skills of moderately aggressive, noncompliant children. |